


Feature #929 » 0036-Add-Galician-translation.patch

Marko Lindqvist, 10/08/2024 08:58 PM

View differences:

fr French
ga Irish
gd Scottish Gaelic
gl_ES Galician
he Hebrew
hu Hungarian
id Indonesian
# Copyright (C) YEAR Freeciv Project
# This file is distributed under the same license as the freeciv package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: freeciv\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-06-28 06:24+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-06 20:08+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: gl_ES\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 3.5\n"
#: ai/default/daicity.c:999
#, c-format
msgid "%s is selling %s for %d."
msgid_plural "%s is selling %s for %d."
msgstr[0] "%s está a vender %s por %d."
msgstr[1] "%s estanse a vender %s por %d."
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:367
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* In away mode AI can't sign such a treaty."
msgstr "*%s (IA)* No modo ausente, a IA non pode asinar este tratado."
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:377
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* First break alliance with %s, %s."
msgstr "*%s (IA)* Primeiro rompe a túa alianza con %s, %s."
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:387
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* I would like to see you keep your distance from %s for some time, %s."
msgstr ""
"*%s (IA)* Gustaríame que manteñas a distancia de %s durante algún tempo máis, %s."
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:401
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* Let us first cease hostilities, %s."
msgstr "*%s (IA)* Primeiro cesemos as hostilidades, %s."
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:406
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*%s (AI)* I wish to see you keep the current ceasefire for a bit longer first, %s."
msgstr ""
"*%s (IA)* Quero ver que manteñas o actual alto o fogo un pouco máis primeiro, %s."
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:429
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* I simply do not trust you with an alliance yet, %s."
msgstr "*%s (IA)* Simplemente aínda non confío en ti para unha alianza, %s."
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:523
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* I do not know the city you mention."
msgstr "*%s (IA)* Non coñezo a cidade que mencionas."
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:554
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* Sorry, sharing vision with you is not safe."
msgstr "*%s (IA)* Síntoo, compartir a visión contigo non é seguro."
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:684
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* This deal was not very good for us, %s!"
msgstr "*%s (AI)* Este acordo non foi moi bo para nós, %s!"
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:707
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* Welcome into our alliance %s!"
msgstr "*%s (IA)* Benvido á nosa alianza %s!"
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:711
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* Yes, may we forever stand united, %s."
msgstr "*%s (IA)* Si, que permanezamos unidos para sempre., %s."
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:718
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* Yes, peace in our time!"
msgstr "*%s (IA)* Si, paz no noso tempo!"
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:723
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* Agreed. No more hostilities, %s."
msgstr "*%s (IA)* De acordo. Non máis hostilidades, %s."
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:990
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*%s (AI)* Greetings %s! May we suggest a ceasefire while we get to know each other "
msgstr ""
"*%s (IA)* Saúdos %s! Podemos suxerir un alto o fogo mentres nos coñecemos mellor?"
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:998
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* I found you %s! Now make it worth my letting you live, or be crushed."
msgstr ""
"*%s (IA)* Atopeite %s! Agora fai que valla a pena que te deixe vivir, ou serás "
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1352
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* Space will never be yours."
msgstr "*%s (AI)* O espazo xamais será teu."
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1358
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* I have tolerated your vicious antics long enough! To war!"
msgstr "*%s (AI)* Tolerei as túas falcatruadas durante moito tempo! Á guerra!"
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1364
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* Peace in ... some other time."
msgstr "*%s (AI)* A paz en... outro momento."
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1370
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*%s (AI)* Finally I get around to you! Did you really think you could get away with "
"your crimes?"
msgstr ""
"*%s (AI)* ¡Finalmente che chega o turno! ¿Realmente pensabas que poderías saírte coa "
"túa impunidade?"
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1377
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* Your covert hostilities brought this war upon you!"
msgstr "*%s (AI)* As túas trampulladas encubertas levaronte a esta guerra!"
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1385
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* Your aggression against %s was your last mistake!"
msgstr "*%s (AI)* A túa agresión contra %s foi o teu derradeiro erro!"
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1492
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*%s (AI)* We will be launching an all-out war against %s in %d turn to stop the "
"spaceship launch."
msgid_plural ""
"*%s (AI)* We will be launching an all-out war against %s in %d turns to stop the "
"spaceship launch."
msgstr[0] ""
"*%s (AI)* Lanzaremos unha guerra total contra %s na quenda de %d para deter o "
"lanzamento da nave espacial."
msgstr[1] ""
"*%s (AI)* Lanzaremos unha guerra total contra %s en %d quendas para deter o "
"lanzamento da nave espacial."
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1503
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*%s (AI)* Your aid in this matter will be expected. Long live our glorious alliance!"
msgstr "*%s (AI)* Agardase a túa axuda neste asunto. ¡Viva a nosa gloriosa alianza!"
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1510
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*%s (AI)* %s has grossly violated their treaties with us for own gain. We will "
"answer in force in %d turn and expect you to honor your alliance with us and do "
msgid_plural ""
"*%s (AI)* %s has grossly violated their treaties with us for own gain. We will "
"answer in force in %d turns and expect you to honor your alliance with us and do "
msgstr[0] ""
"*%s (AI)* %s infrinxiu gravemente os seus tratados con nós para o seu propio "
"beneficio. Respostaremos con forza en %d quenda e agardamos que honres a túa "
"alianza con nós e fagas o mesmo!"
msgstr[1] ""
"*%s (AI)* %s nfrinxiu gravemente os seus tratados con nós para o seu propio "
"beneficio. Respostaremos con forza en %d quendas e agardamos que honres a túa "
"alianza con nós e fagas o mesmo!"
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1524
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*%s (AI)* We intend to pillage and plunder the rich civilization of %s. We declare "
"war in %d turn."
msgid_plural ""
"*%s (AI)* We intend to pillage and plunder the rich civilization of %s. We declare "
"war in %d turns."
msgstr[0] ""
"*%s (AI)* Pretendemos saquear e arruinar a rica civilización de %s. Declaramos a "
"guerra en %d quenda."
msgstr[1] ""
"*%s (AI)* Pretendemos saquear e arruinar a rica civilización de %s. Declaramos a "
"guerra en %d quendas."
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1533
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* If you want a piece of the loot, feel free to join in the action!"
msgstr "*%s (AI)* Se queres un anaco do botín, non dubides en unirte á acción!"
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1539
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*%s (AI)* We have had it with %s. Let us tear this pathetic civilization apart. We "
"declare war in %d turn."
msgid_plural ""
"*%s (AI)* We have had it with %s. Let us tear this pathetic civilization apart. We "
"declare war in %d turns."
msgstr[0] ""
"*%s (AI)* Tivémola con %s. esnaquizaremos esta patética civilización. Declaramos a "
"guerra en %d quenda."
msgstr[1] ""
"*%s (AI)* Tivémola con %s. esnaquizaremos esta patética civilización. Declaramos a "
"guerra en %d quendas."
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1550
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* As our glorious allies, we expect your help in this war."
msgstr "*%s (AI)* Como nosos gloriosos aliados, agardamos a túa axuda nesta guerra."
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1557
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*%s (AI)* We will honor our alliance and declare war on %s in %d turn. Hold on - we "
"are coming!"
msgid_plural ""
"*%s (AI)* We will honor our alliance and declare war on %s in %d turns. Hold on - "
"we are coming!"
msgstr[0] ""
"*%s (AI)* Honraremos a nosa alianza e declararemos a guerra a %s na %d quenda. "
"Aguanta, estamos chegando!"
msgstr[1] ""
"*%s (AI)* Honraremos a nosa alianza e declararemos a guerra a %s en %d quendas. "
"Aguanta, estamos chegando!"
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1567
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*%s (AI)* We will honor our alliance with %s and declare war on %s in %d turns. We "
"expect you to do likewise."
msgid_plural ""
"*%s (AI)* We will honor our alliance with %s and declare war on %s in %d turns. We "
"expect you to do likewise."
msgstr[0] ""
"*%s (AI)* Honraremos a nosa alianza con %s e declararemos a guerra a %s en %d "
"quendas. Agardamos que ti fagas o mesmo."
msgstr[1] ""
"*%s (AI)* Honraremos a nosa alianza con %s e declararemos a guerra a %s en %d "
"quendas. Agardamos que ti fagas o mesmo."
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1648
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*%s (AI)* Your attempt to conquer space for yourself alone betrays your true "
"intentions, and I will have no more of our alliance!"
msgstr ""
"*%s (AI)* A túa tentativa de conquistar o espazo só para ti revela as túas "
"verdadeiras intencións, e non aceptarei máis a nosa alianza!"
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1664
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*%s (AI)* Your attempt to unilaterally dominate outer space is highly offensive."
msgstr ""
"*%s (AI)* O teu intento de dominar unilateralmente o espazo exterior é moi ofensivo."
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1668
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*%s (AI)* If you do not stop constructing your spaceship, I may be forced to take "
msgstr ""
"*%s (AI)* Se non deixas de construír a túa nave espacial, é posible que me vexa "
"obrigado a tomar medidas!"
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1791
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* Sorry, sharing vision with you is no longer safe."
msgstr "*%s (AI)* Sentímolo, compartir a visión contigo xa non é seguro."
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1862
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*%s (AI)* Greetings our most trustworthy ally. We call upon you to destroy our "
"enemy, %s."
msgstr ""
"*%s (AI)* Saúdos ao noso aliado máis fiable. Pedímosche que destrúas ao noso "
"inimigo, %s."
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1870
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*%s (AI)* Greetings ally, I see you have not yet made war with our enemy, %s. Why do "
"I need to remind you of your promises?"
msgstr ""
"*%s (AI)* Saúdos, aliado, vexo que aínda non fixeches a guerra co noso inimigo, %s. "
"Por que teño que lembrarche as túas promesas?"
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1880
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*%s (AI)* Dishonored one, we made a pact of alliance, and yet you remain at peace "
"with our mortal enemy, %s! This is unacceptable; our alliance is no more!"
msgstr ""
"*%s (AI)* Deshonrado, fixemos un pacto de alianza e aínda así permaneces en paz co "
"noso mortal inimigo, %s! Isto é inaceptable; a nosa alianza xa non existe!"
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1914
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*%s (AI)* Greetings friend, may we suggest making a common cause and join in an "
msgstr ""
"*%s (AI)* Saúdos, amigo! Podemos suxerir que formemos unha causa común e unámonos "
"nunha alianza?"
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1931
#, c-format
msgid "*%s (AI)* Greetings neighbor, may we suggest more peaceful relations?"
msgstr "*%s (AI)* Saúdos veciño, podemos suxerir relacións máis pacíficas?"
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:1948
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*%s (AI)* We grow weary of this constant bloodshed. May we suggest a cessation of "
msgstr ""
"*%s (AI)* Cansámonos deste constante derramamento de sangue. Podemos suxerir un "
"cesamento das hostilidades?"
#: ai/default/daidiplomacy.c:2236
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*%s (AI)* We have been savagely attacked by %s, and we need your help! Honor our "
"glorious alliance and your name will never be forgotten!"
msgstr ""
"*%s (AI)* %s atacounos salvaxemente e necesitamos a túa axuda. Honra a nosa gloriosa "
"alianza e o teu nome xamais será esquecido!"
#: ai/difficulty.c:252
msgid ""
"Toggles 'away' mode for your nation. In away mode, the AI will govern your nation "
"but make only minimal changes."
msgstr ""
"Troca o modo \"ausente\" da túa nación. No modo ausente, a IA gobernará a túa nación "
"pero só fará trocos mínimos."
#: ai/difficulty.c:258
#, c-format
msgid ""
"With no arguments, sets all AI players to skill level '%s', and sets the default "
"level for any new AI players to '%s'. With an argument, sets the skill level for the "
"specified player only."
msgstr ""
"Sen argumentos, establece todos os xogadores de IA no nivel de habilidade \"%s\" e "
"establece o nivel predeterminado para calquera novos xogadores de IA en \"%s\". Coa "
"inclusión dun argumento, establece o nivel de habilidade só para o xogador "
#: ai/difficulty.c:276
msgid "Has erratic decision-making."
msgstr "Ten unha toma de decisión errática."
#: ai/difficulty.c:283
#, c-format
msgid "Research takes %d%% as long as usual."
msgstr "A investigación leva un %d%% do tempo habitual."
#: ai/difficulty.c:287
msgid "Has reduced appetite for expansion."
msgstr "Ten unha diminución do apetito por expandirse."
#: ai/difficulty.c:294
msgid ""
"This skill level has the same features as 'Novice', but may suffer additional "
"ruleset-defined penalties."
msgstr ""
"Este nivel de habilidade ten as mesmas características co de \"Novato\", pero pode "
"sufrir penalizacións adicionais definidas polo conxunto de regras."
#: ai/difficulty.c:300
msgid ""
"This skill level has the same features as 'Hard', but may enjoy additional ruleset-"
"defined bonuses."
msgstr ""
"Este nivel de habilidade ten as mesmas características co \"Difícil\", pero pode "
"beneficiarse de bonos adicionais definidos nas regras."
#: ai/difficulty.c:309
msgid ""
"This skill level's features include the following. (Some rulesets may define extra "
"level-specific behavior.)"
msgstr ""
"As características deste nivel de habilidade inclúen as seguintes. (Algunhas regras "
"poden definir comportamento específico adicional para este nivel.)"
#: ai/handicaps.c:86
msgid "Doesn't build offensive diplomatic units."
msgstr "Non constrúe unidades diplomáticas ofensivas."
#: ai/handicaps.c:90
msgid "Gets reduced bonuses from huts."
msgstr "Obtén bonificacións reducidas dos refuxios."
#: ai/handicaps.c:92
msgid "Prefers defensive buildings and avoids close diplomatic relations."
msgstr "Prefire edificios defensivos e evita relacións diplomáticas estreitas."
#: ai/handicaps.c:95
msgid ""
"THIS IS ONLY FOR TESTING OF NEW AI FEATURES! For ordinary servers, this level is no "
"different to 'Hard'."
msgstr ""
"este nivel non é diferente de \"Difícil\"."
#: ai/handicaps.c:99
msgid "Has no restrictions on tax rates."
msgstr "Non ten restricións nas taxas impositivas."
#: ai/handicaps.c:102
msgid "Can target units and cities in unseen or unexplored territory."
msgstr "Pode apuntar a unidades e cidades en territorios invisibles ou inexplorados."
#: ai/handicaps.c:105
msgid "Knows the location of huts in unexplored territory."
msgstr "Coñece a localización dos refuxios no territorio inexplorado."
#: ai/handicaps.c:108
msgid "Can see through fog of war."
msgstr "Pode ver a través da néboa da guerra."
#: ai/handicaps.c:110
msgid "Doesn't build air units."
msgstr "Non constrúe unidades de aire."
#: ai/handicaps.c:113
msgid "Has complete map knowledge, including unexplored territory."
msgstr "Ten un coñecemento completo do mapa, incluído o territorio inexplorado."
#: ai/handicaps.c:115
msgid "Naive at diplomacy."
msgstr "Inxenuo na diplomacia."
#: ai/handicaps.c:118
msgid "Can skip anarchy during revolution."
msgstr "Pode evitar a anarquía durante a revolución."
#: ai/handicaps.c:120
msgid "Limits growth to match human players."
msgstr "Limita o crecemento para que coincida cos dos xogadores humanos."
#: ai/handicaps.c:122
msgid "Believes its cities are always under threat."
msgstr "Pensa que as súas cidades están sempre ameazadas."
#: ai/handicaps.c:124
msgid "Always offers cease-fire on first contact."
msgstr "Sempre ofrece un alto o fogo no primeiro contacto."
#: ai/handicaps.c:126
msgid "Doesn't bribe worker or city founder units."
msgstr "Non suborna as unidades de traballadores ou fundadores de cidades."
#: ai/handicaps.c:129
msgid "Can change city production type without penalty."
msgstr "Pode trocar o tipo de produción da cidade sen penalización."
#: ai/handicaps.c:131
msgid "Limits the distance to search for threatening enemy units."
msgstr "Limita a distancia para buscar unidades inimigas ameazadoras."
#: ai/tex/texai.c:594
msgid ""
"This Freeciv compilation has no full threads implementation, tex ai cannot be used."
msgstr ""
"Esta compilación de Freeciv non ten unha implementación completa de fíos, polo que a "
"IA tex non pode ser empregada."
#: client/agents/cma_core.c:402 server/cityturn.c:422
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The citizen governor can't fulfill the requirements for %s. Passing back control."
msgstr ""
"O gobernador cidadán non pode cumprir os requisitos para %s. Devolvendo o control."
#: client/agents/cma_core.c:411 client/agents/cma_core.c:431
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The citizen governor has gotten confused dealing with %s. You may want to have a "
msgstr ""
"O gobernador cidadán confundiuse ao tratar con %s. Quizais queiras botarlle unha "
#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:226 client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:771
#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:797 client/gui-gtk-4.0/cityrep.c:782
#: client/gui-gtk-4.0/cityrep.c:821 client/gui-gtk-5.0/cityrep.c:803
#: client/gui-gtk-5.0/cityrep.c:842
msgid "?cma:none"
msgstr "ningunha"
#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:242 client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:818
#: client/gui-gtk-4.0/cityrep.c:849 client/gui-gtk-5.0/cityrep.c:870
msgid "?cma:custom"
msgstr "personalizado"
#. TRANS: city is not growing. Keep short.
#. TRANS: city is not growing. Keep short.
#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:257 client/agents/cma_fec.c:291 client/citydlg_common.c:311
#: client/citydlg_common.c:369 client/citydlg_common.c:473
#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1972 client/gui-gtk-4.0/citydlg.c:1853
#: client/gui-gtk-5.0/citydlg.c:1853 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3105
#: client/gui-sdl2/cityrep.c:572 client/gui-sdl2/cityrep.c:1114
#: client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1481 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1485
#: client/gui-sdl3/cityrep.c:568 client/gui-sdl3/cityrep.c:1110
#: client/gui-sdl3/wldlg.c:1477 client/gui-sdl3/wldlg.c:1481 client/text.c:945
msgid "never"
msgstr "xamais"
#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:277 client/agents/cma_fec.c:314 client/citydlg_common.c:366
#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/citydlg.c:1978 client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1342
#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1352 client/gui-gtk-3.22/helpdlg.c:1363
#: client/gui-gtk-4.0/citydlg.c:1859 client/gui-gtk-4.0/helpdlg.c:1387
#: client/gui-gtk-4.0/helpdlg.c:1397 client/gui-gtk-4.0/helpdlg.c:1408
#: client/gui-gtk-5.0/citydlg.c:1859 client/gui-gtk-5.0/helpdlg.c:1387
#: client/gui-gtk-5.0/helpdlg.c:1397 client/gui-gtk-5.0/helpdlg.c:1408
#: client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:3111 client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1345
#: client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1367 client/gui-qt/helpdlg.cpp:1390 client/helpdata.c:3764
#: client/text.c:943 client/text.c:1434
#, c-format
msgid "%d turn"
msgid_plural "%d turns"
msgstr[0] "%d quenda"
msgstr[1] "%d quendas"
#. TRANS: "W" is worker citizens, as opposed to specialists;
#. * %s will represent the specialist types, for instance "E/S/T"
#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:335
#, c-format
msgid "People (W/%s)"
msgstr "Poboación (O/%s)"
#. TRANS: preserve leading space
#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:350
msgid " happy"
msgstr " ledos"
#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:362
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Name: %s\n"
"Food: %10s Gold: %10s\n"
"Production: %10s Luxury: %10s\n"
"Trade: %10s Science: %10s\n"
"%*s%s: %s\n"
" City grows: %s\n"
"Production completed: %s"
msgstr ""
"Nome: %s\n"
"Alimento: %10s Ouro: %10s\n"
"Produción: %10s Luxo: %10s\n"
"Comercio: %10s Ciencia: %10s\n"
"%*s%s: %s\n"
" Crecemento da cidade: %s\n"
"Produción rematada: %s"
#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:430
msgid "?cma:Very happy"
msgstr "Moi ledo"
#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:431
msgid "?cma:Prefer food"
msgstr "Preferir alimento"
#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:432
msgid "?cma:Prefer production"
msgstr "Preferir produción"
#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:433
msgid "?cma:Prefer gold"
msgstr "Preferir ouro"
#: client/agents/cma_fec.c:434
msgid "?cma:Prefer science"
msgstr "Preferir ciencia"
#: client/attribute.c:369
msgid "There has been a CMA error. Your citizen governor settings may be broken."
msgstr ""
"Produciuse un erro de CMA. A configuración do teu gobernador cidadán pode fallar."
#: client/attribute.c:373
msgid "Old attributes detected and removed."
msgstr "Atributos antigos detectados e eliminados."
#: client/audio.c:166
#, c-format
msgid "Plugin '%s' isn't available. Available are %s"
msgstr "O complemento \"%s\" non está dispoñible. Dispoñibles son %s"
#: client/audio.c:230
#, c-format
msgid "Couldn't find audioset \"%s\", trying \"%s\"."
msgstr "Non se puido atopar o conxunto de son \"%s\", tentando \"%s\"."
#: client/audio.c:294
msgid "No real audio plugin present."
msgstr "Non hai ningún complemento de son real."
#: client/audio.c:295 client/audio.c:322 client/audio.c:361 client/audio.c:370
msgid "Proceeding with sound support disabled."
msgstr "Continuando coa compatibilidade de son desactivada."
#: client/audio.c:296
msgid "For sound support, install SDL2_mixer"
msgstr "Para compatibilidade con son, instala SDL2_mixer"
#: client/audio.c:319
msgid "To get sound you need to download a sound set!"
msgstr "Para obter son, cómpre descargar un paquete de sons!"
#: client/audio.c:320
#, c-format
msgid "Get sound sets from <%s>."
msgstr "Obtén paquetes de sons en <%s>."
#: client/audio.c:330
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Could not load sound spec-file '%s':\n"
msgstr ""
"Non se puido cargar o ficheiro de especificacións de son '%s':\n"
#: client/audio.c:335
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Could not load music spec-file '%s':\n"
msgstr ""
"Non se puido cargar o ficheiro de especificacións de música '%s':\n"
#: client/audio.c:368
msgid "No real audio subsystem managed to initialize!"
msgstr "Ningún subsistema de son real conseguiu inicializarse!"
#: client/audio.c:369
msgid "Perhaps there is some misconfiguration or bad permissions."
msgstr "Quizais hai algunha mala configuración ou permisos incorrectos."
#: client/chatline_common.c:179
msgid ""
"Freeciv is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it under "
"certain conditions;"
msgstr ""
"Freeciv é software libre e podes distribuír copias del baixo certas condicións;"
#: client/chatline_common.c:183
msgid "See the \"Copying\" item on the Help menu."
msgstr "Vexa o elemento \"Copiando\" no menú Axuda."
#: client/chatline_common.c:186
msgid "See COPYING file distributed with this program."
msgstr "Véxase o arquivo COPIANDO distribuído con este programa."
#: client/chatline_common.c:189
msgid "Now ... Go give 'em hell!"
msgstr "Agora... Vaia a darlles ao inferno!"
#: client/chatline_common.c:201
#, c-format
msgid "Exporting output window to '%s' ..."
msgstr "Exportando a xanela de saída a '%s'..."
#: client/chatline_common.c:208
msgid "Export complete."
msgstr "Exportación completada."
#: client/chatline_common.c:211
msgid "Export failed, couldn't write to file."
msgstr "Produciuse un erro na exportación, non se puido escribir no ficheiro."
#. TRANS: Use longer of "XXX turns" and "never"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:276
msgid "?filler:XXX/XXX XXX turns"
msgstr "XXX/XXX XXX quendas"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "%3d gold per turn"
msgid_plural "%3d gold per turn"
msgstr[0] "%3d moeda ouro por quenda"
msgstr[1] "%3d moedas ouro por quenda"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:290
#, c-format
msgid "%3d infrapoint per turn"
msgid_plural "%3d infrapoints per turn"
msgstr[0] "%3d infrapunto por quenda"
msgstr[1] "%3d infrapuntos por quenda"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:307
#, c-format
msgid "%3d turn"
msgid_plural "%3d turns"
msgstr[0] "%3d quenda"
msgstr[1] "%3d quendas"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "%3d/%s:%s"
msgstr "%3d/%s:%s"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:318
#, c-format
msgid "%3d/%s %s"
msgstr "%3d/%s %s"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:350 client/citydlg_common.c:462
#, c-format
msgid "%d/turn"
msgstr "%d quenda"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:415 client/citydlg_common.c:425 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1449
#: client/gui-sdl3/wldlg.c:1445
msgid "Obsolete"
msgstr "Obsoleto"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:417 client/citydlg_common.c:427
#: client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:2131 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1452
#: client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1460 client/gui-sdl3/repodlgs.c:2131
#: client/gui-sdl3/wldlg.c:1448 client/gui-sdl3/wldlg.c:1456 common/events.c:93
#: common/events.c:170
msgid "Built"
msgstr "Construído"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:419 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1454
#: client/gui-sdl3/wldlg.c:1450
msgid "Destroyed"
msgstr "Destruído"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:421 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1456
#: client/gui-sdl3/wldlg.c:1452
msgid "Great Wonder"
msgstr "Gran Marabilla"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:429 client/gui-sdl2/wldlg.c:1462
#: client/gui-sdl3/wldlg.c:1458
msgid "Small Wonder"
msgstr "Pequena marabilla"
#. TRANS: Client cannot explain some aspect of city
#. * output. Should never happen.
#: client/citydlg_common.c:724
msgid "?city_sum:(unknown)"
msgstr "(descoñecido)"
#. TRANS: format string for a row of the city output sum that adds up
#. * to "Total surplus"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:764
#, c-format
msgid "?city_surplus:%+4.0f : %s"
msgstr "%+4.0f : %s"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:769
msgid "?city_surplus:Citizens"
msgstr "Cidadáns"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:775
msgid "?city_surplus:Taxed from trade"
msgstr "Imposto do comercio"
#. TRANS: unrecognized command
#: client/citydlg_common.c:786 server/stdinhand.c:344
msgid "(unknown)"
msgstr "(descoñecido)"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:792
#, c-format
msgid "?city_surplus:Trading %s with %s"
msgstr "Comerciar %s con %s"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:797
#, c-format
msgid "?city_surplus:Trading %s to %s"
msgstr "Comerciar de %s a %s"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:802
#, c-format
msgid "?city_surplus:Trading %s from %s"
msgstr "Comerciar con %s desde %s"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:815
msgid "?city_surplus:Building tithes"
msgstr "Construír décimos"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:854 client/citydlg_common.c:863
#, c-format
msgid "?city_surplus:Bonus from %s"
msgstr "Bonificación de %s"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:855 client/citydlg_common.c:864
#, c-format
msgid "?city_surplus:Loss from %s"
msgstr "Perda de %s"
#. TRANS: percentage city output bonus/loss from
#. * some source; preserve leading space
#: client/citydlg_common.c:862
#, c-format
msgid "?city_surplus: (%+.0f%%)"
msgstr " (%+.0f%%)"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:883
msgid "?city_surplus:Size penalty"
msgstr "Penalización por tamaño"
#. TRANS: %s is normally empty, but becomes '?' if client is
#. * uncertain about its accounting (should never happen)
#: client/citydlg_common.c:899
#, c-format
msgid "?city_surplus:Waste%s"
msgstr "Residuos%s"
#. TRANS: %s is normally empty, but becomes '?' if client is
#. * uncertain about its accounting (should never happen)
#: client/citydlg_common.c:904
#, c-format
msgid "?city_surplus:Corruption%s"
msgstr "Corrupción%s"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:912
msgid "?city_surplus:Disorder"
msgstr "Desorde"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:916
msgid "?city_surplus:Used"
msgstr "Usado"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:920
#, c-format
msgid ""
"?city_surplus:==== : Adds up to\n"
"%4.0f : Total surplus"
msgstr ""
"==== : Suma ata\n"
"%4.0f : excedente total"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:938
msgid "Illness deactivated in ruleset."
msgstr "Enfermidade desactivada nas regras."
#: client/citydlg_common.c:942
#, c-format
msgid "?city_plague:%+5.1f%% : %s"
msgstr "%+5.1f%% : %s"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:948
msgid "?city_plague:Risk from overcrowding"
msgstr "Risco de masificación"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:950
msgid "?city_plague:Risk from trade"
msgstr "Risco derivado do comercio"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:952
msgid "?city_plague:Risk from pollution"
msgstr "Risco pola contaminación"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:980
#, c-format
msgid "?city_plague: (%+.0f%%)"
msgstr " (%+.0f%%)"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:981
#, c-format
msgid "?city_plague:Risk from %s"
msgstr "Risco de %s"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:982
#, c-format
msgid "?city_plague:Bonus from %s"
msgstr "Bonificación de %s"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:991
#, c-format
msgid ""
"?city_plague:====== : Adds up to\n"
"%5.1f%% : Plague chance per turn"
msgstr ""
"====== : Engade ata\n"
"%5.1f%%: probabilidade de peste por quenda"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1004
#, c-format
msgid "?city_pollution:%+4.0f : %s"
msgstr "%+4.0f : %s"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1014
msgid "?city_pollution:Pollution from shields"
msgstr "Contaminación dos escudos"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1015
msgid "?city_pollution:Pollution from citizens"
msgstr "Contaminación dos cidadáns"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1016
msgid "?city_pollution:Pollution modifier"
msgstr "Modificador da contaminación"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1018
#, c-format
msgid ""
"?city_pollution:==== : Adds up to\n"
"%4.0f : Total surplus"
msgstr ""
"==== : Suma ata\n"
"%4.0f : excedente total"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1030
#, c-format
msgid "?city_culture:%4.0f : %s"
msgstr "%4.0f : %s"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1035
#, c-format
msgid "?city_culture:History (%+d/turn)"
msgstr "Historia (%+d/quenda)"
#. TRANS: Text describing source of culture bonus ("Library+Republic")
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1063
#, c-format
msgid "?city_culture:%s"
msgstr "%s"
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1068
#, c-format
msgid ""
"?city_culture:==== : Adds up to\n"
"%4.0f : Total culture"
msgstr ""
"==== : Engade ata\n"
"%4.0f: cultura total"
#. TRANS: airlift. Possible take offs text. String is a
#. * proviso that take offs can't occur if landings spend all the
#. * remaining airlift when landings are limited and empty when they
#. * aren't limited.
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1092
#, c-format
msgid "unlimited take offs%s"
msgstr "despegues ilimitados%s"
#. TRANS: Airlift unlimited take offs proviso used above.
#. * Plural based on remaining airlift capacity.
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1096
msgid " (until the landing has been spent)"
msgid_plural " (until all landings have been spent)"
msgstr[0] " (ata que o desembarco se consuma)"
msgstr[1] " (ata que os desembarcos se consuman)"
#. TRANS: Airlift. Possible take offs text. Number is
#. * airlift capacity.
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1103
#, c-format
msgid "%d take off"
msgid_plural "%d take offs"
msgstr[0] "%d despegue"
msgstr[1] "%d despegues"
#. TRANS: Airlift. Possible landings text.
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1113
msgid "unlimited landings"
msgstr "desembarcos ilimitados"
#. TRANS: Airlift. Possible landings text.
#. * Number is airlift capacity.
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1118
#, c-format
msgid "%d landing"
msgid_plural "%d landings"
msgstr[0] "%d aterraxe"
msgstr[1] "%d aterraxes"
#. TRANS: Airlift take offs and landings
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1125
msgid "unlimited take offs and landings"
msgstr "despegues e aterraxes ilimitados"
#. TRANS: Airlift take offs and landings. One is unlimited. The first
#. * string is the take offs text. The 2nd string is the landings text.
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1130
#, c-format
msgid "%s and %s"
msgstr "%s e %s"
#. TRANS: Airlift take offs or landings, no unlimited.
#. * Number is airlift capacity.
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1136
#, c-format
msgid "%d take off or landing"
msgid_plural "%d take offs or landings"
msgstr[0] "%d despegue ou aterraxe"
msgstr[1] "%d despegues ou aterraxes"
#. TRANS: Airlift. Possible take offs text. String is a symbol that
#. * indicates that terms and conditions apply when landings are limited
#. * and empty when they aren't limited.
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1161
#, c-format
msgid " \\342\\210\\236%s"
msgstr " \\342\\210\\236%s"
#. TRANS: airlift unlimited take offs may be spent symbol
#. * used above.
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1165
msgid "?landings:*"
msgstr "*"
#. TRANS: Airlift. Possible take offs text. Number is
#. * airlift capacity.
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1169
#, c-format
msgid "?takeoffs:%4d"
msgstr "%4d"
#. TRANS: Airlift. Possible landings text.
#. TRANS: Unlimited airlift take offs and landings
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1178 client/citydlg_common.c:1187
msgid " \\342\\210\\236"
msgstr " \\342\\210\\236"
#. TRANS: Airlift. Possible landings text.
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1181
#, c-format
msgid "?landings:%4d"
msgstr "%4d"
#. TRANS: Airlift take offs and landings. One is unlimited. The first
#. * string is the take offs text. The 2nd string is the landings text.
#. * For English, initials of d)epartures and a)rrivals were chosen.
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1193
#, c-format
msgid "d: %s a: %s"
msgstr "d: %s a: %s"
#. TRANS: Airlift take offs or landings, no unlimited
#: client/citydlg_common.c:1197
#, c-format
msgid "?airlifts:%s"
msgstr "%s"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:111
msgid "?city_state:Celebrating"
msgstr "Festexando"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:112
msgid "?city_state:Disorder"
msgstr "Desorde"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:113
msgid "?city_state:Peace"
msgstr "Paz"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:602
msgid "(worklist)"
msgstr "(lista de tarefas)"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:745
msgid "?city:Name"
msgstr "Nome"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:745 client/gui-sdl2/cityrep.c:209 client/gui-sdl3/cityrep.c:205
msgid "City Name"
msgstr "Nome da cidade"
#. TRANS: this and similar literal strings interpreted as (Qt) HTML
#: client/cityrepdata.c:747 client/gui-gtk-3.22/citizensinfo.c:66
#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:3682 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4537
#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/gotodlg.c:219 client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:1414
#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/pages.c:2758 client/gui-gtk-4.0/citizensinfo.c:65
#: client/gui-gtk-4.0/editprop.c:3690 client/gui-gtk-4.0/editprop.c:4546
#: client/gui-gtk-4.0/gotodlg.c:215 client/gui-gtk-4.0/pages.c:1445
#: client/gui-gtk-4.0/pages.c:2883 client/gui-gtk-5.0/citizensinfo.c:65
#: client/gui-gtk-5.0/editprop.c:3690 client/gui-gtk-5.0/editprop.c:4546
#: client/gui-gtk-5.0/gotodlg.c:215 client/gui-gtk-5.0/pages.c:1445
#: client/gui-gtk-5.0/pages.c:2883 client/gui-qt/citydlg.cpp:2982
#: client/gui-qt/gotodlg.cpp:49 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:341 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:680
#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1332 client/gui-qt/plrdlg.cpp:588
#: client/gui-qt/repodlgs.cpp:1582 client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:2164
#: client/gui-sdl3/repodlgs.c:2164 client/plrdlg_common.c:578
msgid "Nation"
msgstr "Nación"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:749
msgid "?size [short]:Sz"
msgstr "Tm"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:749 client/gui-gtk-3.22/editgui.c:1273
#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/editprop.c:4516 client/gui-gtk-4.0/editgui.c:1274
#: client/gui-gtk-4.0/editprop.c:4525 client/gui-gtk-5.0/editgui.c:1274
#: client/gui-gtk-5.0/editprop.c:4525 client/gui-qt/gotodlg.cpp:57
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Tamaño"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:751 client/plrdlg_common.c:588
msgid "State"
msgstr "Estado"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:751
msgid "Celebrating/Peace/Disorder"
msgstr "Celebrando/Paz/Desorde"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:753
msgid "Concise *=Celebrating, X=Disorder"
msgstr "Conciso *=Celebrando, X=Desorde"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:756
msgid "?Happy workers:H"
msgstr "L"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:756
msgid "Workers: Happy"
msgstr "Traballadores: Ledos"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:758
msgid "?Content workers:C"
msgstr "S"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:758
msgid "Workers: Content"
msgstr "Traballadores: Satisfeitos"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:760
msgid "?Unhappy workers:U"
msgstr "I"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:760
msgid "Workers: Unhappy"
msgstr "Traballadores: Infelices"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:762
msgid "?Angry workers:A"
msgstr "E"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:762
msgid "Workers: Angry"
msgstr "Traballadores: Enfadados"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:764
msgid "?city:Workers"
msgstr "Traballadores"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:765
msgid "?happy/content/unhappy/angry:H/C/U/A"
msgstr "L/S/I/E"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:766
msgid "Workers: Happy, Content, Unhappy, Angry"
msgstr "Traballadores: Ledo, Satisfeito, Infeliz, Enfadado"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:769 client/cityrepdata.c:771
msgid "Best"
msgstr "Mellor"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:769
msgid "attack"
msgstr "ataque"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:770
msgid "Best attacking units"
msgstr "Mellores unidades de ataque"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:771
msgid "defense"
msgstr "defensa"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:772
msgid "Best defending units"
msgstr "Mellores unidades de defensa"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:773 client/cityrepdata.c:777 client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1516
#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1535 client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1554
#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1573 client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1593
#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:391 client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1665
#: client/gui-gtk-4.0/menu.c:951 client/gui-gtk-4.0/repodlgs.c:1696
#: client/gui-gtk-5.0/menu.c:951 client/gui-gtk-5.0/repodlgs.c:1696
#: client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:740 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1543
#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:759 client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:1344
#: client/gui-sdl2/helpdlg.c:768 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:1732
#: client/gui-sdl2/repodlgs.c:394 client/gui-sdl3/helpdlg.c:766
#: client/gui-sdl3/mapctrl.c:1728 client/gui-sdl3/repodlgs.c:394
#: client/include/helpdlg_g.h:48 data/helpdata.txt:1039
#: gen_headers/enums/manual_enums.def:14
msgid "Units"
msgstr "Unidades"
#. TRANS: Header "Number of units inside city"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:775
msgid "?Present (units):Here"
msgstr "Aquí"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:776
msgid "Number of units present"
msgstr "Número de unidades presentes"
#. TRANS: Header "Number of units supported by given city"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:779
msgid "?Supported (units):Owned"
msgstr "Propias"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:780
msgid "Number of units supported"
msgstr "Número de unidades apoiadas"
#. TRANS: Header "It will take this many turns before city grows"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:783
msgid "?food (population):Grow"
msgstr "Medra"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:784 client/cityrepdata.c:840
msgid "?Stock/Target:(Have/Need)"
msgstr "(Ten/Precisa)"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:785
msgid "Turns until growth/famine"
msgstr "Quendas ata o crecemento/fame"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:788
msgid "Surplus"
msgstr "Excedente"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:788
msgid "?food/production/trade:F/P/T"
msgstr "A/P/C"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:789
msgid "Surplus: Food, Production, Trade"
msgstr "Excedentes: Alimentación, Produción, Comercio"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:791
msgid "?Food surplus [short]:+F"
msgstr "+A"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:791
msgid "Surplus: Food"
msgstr "Excedente: Alimento"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:793
msgid "?Production surplus [short]:+P"
msgstr "+P"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:794
msgid "Surplus: Production"
msgstr "Excedente: Produción"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:795
msgid "?Production loss (waste) [short]:-P"
msgstr "-P"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:796
msgid "Waste"
msgstr "Residuos"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:797
msgid "?Trade surplus [short]:+T"
msgstr "+C"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:797
msgid "Surplus: Trade"
msgstr "Excedente: Comercio"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:799
msgid "?Trade loss (corruption) [short]:-T"
msgstr "-C"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:800
msgid "Corruption"
msgstr "Corrupción"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:802 client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:383
#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/repodlgs.c:1129 client/gui-gtk-4.0/menu.c:939
#: client/gui-gtk-4.0/repodlgs.c:1163 client/gui-gtk-5.0/menu.c:939
#: client/gui-gtk-5.0/repodlgs.c:1163 client/gui-qt/menu.cpp:1555
#: client/gui-qt/pages.cpp:774 client/gui-sdl2/mapctrl.c:1498
#: client/gui-sdl3/mapctrl.c:1494 client/include/helpdlg_g.h:45 data/helpdata.txt:453
msgid "Economy"
msgstr "Economía"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:802
msgid "?gold/luxury/science:G/L/S"
msgstr "O/L/C"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:803
msgid "Economy: Gold, Luxuries, Science"
msgstr "Economía: Ouro, Luxos, Ciencia"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:805
msgid "?Gold:G"
msgstr "O"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:805
msgid "Economy: Gold"
msgstr "Economía: Ouro"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:807
msgid "?Luxury:L"
msgstr "L"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:807
msgid "Economy: Luxury"
msgstr "Economía: Luxo"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:809
msgid "?Science:S"
msgstr "C"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:809
msgid "Economy: Science"
msgstr "Economía: Ciencia"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:811
msgid "?Culture:Clt"
msgstr "Cltra"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:811
msgid "Culture (History+Performance)"
msgstr "Cultura (Historia+Rendemento)"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:813
msgid "?History:Hst"
msgstr "Hist"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:814
msgid "Culture: History (and gain per turn)"
msgstr "Cultura: Historia (e ganancia por quenda)"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:816
msgid "?Performance:Prf"
msgstr "Rend"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:816
msgid "Culture: Performance"
msgstr "Cultura: Rendemento"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:818
msgid "?Continent:C"
msgstr "C"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:818
msgid "Continent number"
msgstr "Número de continente"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:820
msgid "?number_trade_routes:n"
msgstr "n"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:821
msgid "?number_trade_routes:R"
msgstr "C"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:822
msgid "Number (and total value) of trade routes"
msgstr "Número (e valor total) de rutas comerciais"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:824
msgid "?pollution [short]:Pol"
msgstr "Cont"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:824 server/report.c:180
msgid "?stats:Pollution"
msgstr "Contaminación"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:826
msgid "?plague risk [short]:Pla"
msgstr "Pra"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:826
msgid "(%)"
msgstr "(%)"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:827
msgid "Plague risk per turn"
msgstr "Risco de praga por quenda"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:829
msgid "?cma:Governor"
msgstr "Gobernador"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:829 client/gui-gtk-3.22/cityrep.c:1882
#: client/gui-gtk-3.22/menu.c:417 client/gui-gtk-4.0/cityrep.c:1856
#: client/gui-gtk-4.0/menu.c:990 client/gui-gtk-5.0/cityrep.c:1877
#: client/gui-gtk-5.0/menu.c:990 client/gui-sdl2/citydlg.c:3727
#: client/gui-sdl2/cma_fe.c:921 client/gui-sdl3/citydlg.c:3723
#: client/gui-sdl3/cma_fe.c:917 client/include/helpdlg_g.h:39 data/helpdata.txt:1829
msgid "Citizen Governor"
msgstr "Gobernador Cidadán"
#. TRANS: "BS" = "build slots"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:833
msgid "BS"
msgstr "EC"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:833
msgid "Maximum units buildable per turn"
msgstr "Número máximo de unidades construíbles por quenda"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:835 client/cityrepdata.c:837 client/gui-qt/cityrep.cpp:485
#: client/gui-sdl2/cityrep.c:214 client/gui-sdl3/cityrep.c:210 server/report.c:177
msgid "Production"
msgstr "Produción"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:835
msgid "Turns/Buy"
msgstr "Quendas/Comprar"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:839 client/cityrepdata.c:841
msgid "Currently Building"
msgstr "Construindo"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:892
msgid "Specialists: "
msgstr "Especialistas: "
#: client/cityrepdata.c:898
msgid "?specialist:S"
msgstr "E"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:901
#, c-format
msgid "Specialists: %s"
msgstr "Especialistas: %s"
#: client/cityrepdata.c:918
... This diff was truncated because it exceeds the maximum size that can be displayed.