Bug #252 ยป 0038-SDL3_gfx-Make-local-functions-static.patch
dependencies/SDL3_gfx/SDL3_rotozoom.c | ||
#define VALUE_LIMIT 0.001
\brief Returns colorkey info for a surface
Uint32 _colorkey(SDL_Surface *src)
Uint32 key = 0;
SDL_GetSurfaceColorKey(src, &key);
return key;
\brief Internal 32 bit integer-factor averaging Shrinker.
... | ... | |
\return 0 for success or -1 for error.
int _shrinkSurfaceRGBA(SDL_Surface * src, SDL_Surface * dst, int factorx, int factory)
static int _shrinkSurfaceRGBA(SDL_Surface * src, SDL_Surface * dst, int factorx, int factory)
int x, y, dx, dy, dgap, ra, ga, ba, aa;
int n_average;
... | ... | |
return (0);
\brief Internal 8 bit integer-factor averaging shrinker.
Shrinks 8bit Y 'src' surface to 'dst' surface.
Averages color (brightness) values values of src pixels to calculate dst pixels.
Assumes src and dst surfaces are of 8 bit depth.
Assumes dst surface was allocated with the correct dimensions.
\param src The surface to shrink (input).
\param dst The shrunken surface (output).
\param factorx The horizontal shrinking ratio.
\param factory The vertical shrinking ratio.
\return 0 for success or -1 for error.
int _shrinkSurfaceY(SDL_Surface * src, SDL_Surface * dst, int factorx, int factory)
int x, y, dx, dy, dgap, a;
int n_average;
Uint8 *sp, *osp, *oosp;
Uint8 *dp;
* Averaging integer shrink
/* Precalculate division factor */
n_average = factorx*factory;
* Scan destination
sp = (Uint8 *) src->pixels;
dp = (Uint8 *) dst->pixels;
dgap = dst->pitch - dst->w;
for (y = 0; y < dst->h; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < dst->w; x++) {
/* Trace out source box and accumulate */
for (dy=0; dy < factory; dy++) {
for (dx=0; dx < factorx; dx++) {
a += (*sp);
/* next x */
/* end src dx loop */
/* next y */
sp = (Uint8 *)((Uint8*)sp + (src->pitch - factorx));
/* end src dy loop */
/* next box-x */
sp = (Uint8 *)((Uint8*)oosp + factorx);
/* Store result in destination */
*dp = a/n_average;
* Advance destination pointer
/* end dst x loop */
/* next box-y */
sp = (Uint8 *)((Uint8*)osp + src->pitch*factory);
* Advance destination pointers
dp = (Uint8 *)((Uint8 *)dp + dgap);
/* end dst y loop */
return (0);
\brief Internal 32 bit Zoomer with optional anti-aliasing by bilinear interpolation.
... | ... | |
\return 0 for success or -1 for error.
int _zoomSurfaceRGBA(SDL_Surface * src, SDL_Surface * dst, int flipx, int flipy, int smooth)
static int _zoomSurfaceRGBA(SDL_Surface * src, SDL_Surface * dst, int flipx, int flipy, int smooth)
int x, y, sx, sy, ssx, ssy, *sax, *say, *csax, *csay, *salast, csx, csy, ex, ey, cx, cy, sstep, sstepx, sstepy;
tColorRGBA *c00, *c01, *c10, *c11;
... | ... | |
return (0);
\brief Internal 8 bit Zoomer without smoothing.
Zooms 8bit palette/Y 'src' surface to 'dst' surface.
Assumes src and dst surfaces are of 8 bit depth.
Assumes dst surface was allocated with the correct dimensions.
\param src The surface to zoom (input).
\param dst The zoomed surface (output).
\param flipx Flag indicating if the image should be horizontally flipped.
\param flipy Flag indicating if the image should be vertically flipped.
\return 0 for success or -1 for error.
int _zoomSurfaceY(SDL_Surface * src, SDL_Surface * dst, int flipx, int flipy)
int x, y;
Uint32 *sax, *say, *csax, *csay;
int csx, csy;
Uint8 *sp, *dp, *csp;
int dgap;
* Allocate memory for row increments
if ((sax = (Uint32 *) malloc((dst->w + 1) * sizeof(Uint32))) == NULL) {
return (-1);
if ((say = (Uint32 *) malloc((dst->h + 1) * sizeof(Uint32))) == NULL) {
return (-1);
* Pointer setup
sp = csp = (Uint8 *) src->pixels;
dp = (Uint8 *) dst->pixels;
dgap = dst->pitch - dst->w;
if (flipx) csp += (src->w-1);
if (flipy) csp = ( (Uint8*)csp + src->pitch*(src->h-1) );
* Precalculate row increments
csx = 0;
csax = sax;
for (x = 0; x < dst->w; x++) {
csx += src->w;
*csax = 0;
while (csx >= dst->w) {
csx -= dst->w;
(*csax) = (*csax) * (flipx ? -1 : 1);
csy = 0;
csay = say;
for (y = 0; y < dst->h; y++) {
csy += src->h;
*csay = 0;
while (csy >= dst->h) {
csy -= dst->h;
(*csay) = (*csay) * (flipy ? -1 : 1);
* Draw
csay = say;
for (y = 0; y < dst->h; y++) {
csax = sax;
sp = csp;
for (x = 0; x < dst->w; x++) {
* Draw
*dp = *sp;
* Advance source pointers
sp += (*csax);
* Advance destination pointer
* Advance source pointer (for row)
csp += ((*csay) * src->pitch);
* Advance destination pointers
dp += dgap;
* Remove temp arrays
return (0);
\brief Internal 32 bit rotozoomer with optional anti-aliasing.
... | ... | |
\param flipy Flag indicating vertical mirroring should be applied.
\param smooth Flag indicating anti-aliasing should be used.
void _transformSurfaceRGBA(SDL_Surface * src, SDL_Surface * dst, int cx, int cy, int isin, int icos, int flipx, int flipy, int smooth)
static void _transformSurfaceRGBA(SDL_Surface * src, SDL_Surface * dst, int cx, int cy, int isin, int icos, int flipx, int flipy, int smooth)
int x, y, t1, t2, dx, dy, xd, yd, sdx, sdy, ax, ay, ex, ey, sw, sh;
tColorRGBA c00, c01, c10, c11, cswap;
... | ... | |
\brief Rotates and zooms 8 bit palette/Y 'src' surface to 'dst' surface without smoothing.
Rotates and zooms 8 bit RGBA/ABGR 'src' surface to 'dst' surface based on the control
parameters by scanning the destination surface.
Assumes src and dst surfaces are of 8 bit depth.
Assumes dst surface was allocated with the correct dimensions.
\param src Source surface.
\param dst Destination surface.
\param cx Horizontal center coordinate.
\param cy Vertical center coordinate.
\param isin Integer version of sine of angle.
\param icos Integer version of cosine of angle.
\param flipx Flag indicating horizontal mirroring should be applied.
\param flipy Flag indicating vertical mirroring should be applied.
void transformSurfaceY(SDL_Surface * src, SDL_Surface * dst, int cx, int cy, int isin, int icos, int flipx, int flipy)
int x, y, dx, dy, xd, yd, sdx, sdy, ax, ay;
tColorY *pc, *sp;
int gap;
* Variable setup
xd = ((src->w - dst->w) << 15);
yd = ((src->h - dst->h) << 15);
ax = (cx << 16) - (icos * cx);
ay = (cy << 16) - (isin * cx);
pc = (tColorY*) dst->pixels;
gap = dst->pitch - dst->w;
* Clear surface to colorkey
memset(pc, (int)(_colorkey(src) & 0xff), dst->pitch * dst->h);
* Iterate through destination surface
for (y = 0; y < dst->h; y++) {
dy = cy - y;
sdx = (ax + (isin * dy)) + xd;
sdy = (ay - (icos * dy)) + yd;
for (x = 0; x < dst->w; x++) {
dx = (short) (sdx >> 16);
dy = (short) (sdy >> 16);
if (flipx) dx = (src->w-1)-dx;
if (flipy) dy = (src->h-1)-dy;
if ((dx >= 0) && (dy >= 0) && (dx < src->w) && (dy < src->h)) {
sp = (tColorY *) (src->pixels);
sp += (src->pitch * dy + dx);
*pc = *sp;
sdx += icos;
sdy += isin;
pc += gap;
\brief Rotates a 8/16/24/32 bit surface in increments of 90 degrees.
... | ... | |
\param sanglezoom The cosine of the angle adjusted by the zoom factor.
void _rotozoomSurfaceSizeTrig(int width, int height, double angle, double zoomx, double zoomy,
static void _rotozoomSurfaceSizeTrig(int width, int height, double angle, double zoomx, double zoomy,
int *dstwidth, int *dstheight,
double *canglezoom, double *sanglezoom)