


Feature #565 » 0072-Granularity-Add-Gather-Wood.patch

main - Marko Lindqvist, 05/07/2024 08:57 PM

View differences:

sound_alt = "b_generic"
sound_alt2 = "-"
helptext = _("\
Quarry produces 3 infrapoints per turn.\
Quarry produces 300 infrapoints per turn.\
Stone Circle produces two points of history per turn for each city, \
five points for the city its located at.\
name = _("Gather Wood")
genus = "Convert"
flags = "Infra"
reqs =
{ "type", "name", "range"
graphic = "b.gather_wood"
graphic_alt = "-"
graphic_alt2 = "-"
obsolete_by =
{ "type", "name", "range"
build_cost = 999
upkeep = 0
sabotage = 0
helptext = _("\
This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
production to this means its shield production is\
converted to infra points.\
type = "Infra_Points"
value = 2
value = 200
reqs =
{ "type", "name", "range"
"Building", "Throne", "City"
type = "Infra_Points"
value = 3
value = 300
reqs =
{ "type", "name", "range"
"Building", "Quarry", "City"
category = "Infra"
;causes = ""
;rmcauses = ""
infracost = 25
infracost = 2500
graphic = "tx.irrigation"
graphic_alt = "-"
activity_gfx = "unit.irrigation"
category = "Infra"
;causes = ""
;rmcauses = ""
infracost = 25
infracost = 2500
graphic = "tx.nets"
graphic_alt = "tx.irrigation"
activity_gfx = "unit.nets"
category = "Infra"
;causes = ""
;rmcauses = ""
infracost = 25
infracost = 2500
graphic = "tx.mine"
graphic_alt = "-"
activity_gfx = "unit.mine"
category = "Infra"
causes = "Road"
;rmcauses = ""
infracost = 3
infracost = 300
graphic = "road.path"
graphic_alt = "road.road"
activity_gfx = "unit.path"
category = "Infra"
causes = "Road"
;rmcauses = ""
infracost = 6
infracost = 600
graphic = "road.road"
graphic_alt = "-"
activity_gfx = "unit.road"