


Feature #581 ยป 0071-Granularity-Add-Housing.patch

Marko Lindqvist, 05/10/2024 04:40 PM

View differences:

* Base city radius, both for workable area and vision,
extends one tile away from the center.
* Units with zero defense value can be captured by any military unit
* In the beginning cities can grow up to size 4. Various techs increase
the maximum size.
* In the beginning cities can grow up to size 3.
* Units cannot be upgraded before Engineering is known
* Reseach bulbs are for specific tech. If you switch research, accumulated
progress stays with the previous tech target.
10% full after city grows.\
name = _("Housing")
genus = "Improvement"
reqs =
{ "type", "name", "range"
graphic = "b.housing"
graphic_alt = "-"
graphic_alt2 = "-"
obsolete_by =
{ "type", "name", "range"
build_cost = 800
upkeep = 0
sabotage = 50
sound = "b_housing"
sound_alt = "b_generic"
sound_alt2 = "-"
helptext = _("\
Space for people to live allows settlements to grow one size bigger.\
name = _("Library")
genus = "Improvement"
type = "City_Unhappy_Size"
value = 4
; Base max city size of 4
; Base max city size of 3
type = "Size_Adj"
value = 4
value = 3
type = "Size_Adj"
value = 1
reqs =
{ "type", "name", "range"
"Building", "Housing", "city"
type = "Size_Adj"
graphic_alt = "-"
helptext = _("\
With fire, there can be a place to live permanently. \
Allows settlements to grow to size 6.\
Allows settlements to grow two sizes bigger.\