


Feature #587 ยป 0076-Drop-double-space-from-Coinage-helptext.patch

Marko Lindqvist, 05/11/2024 09:18 PM

View differences:

upkeep = 0
sabotage = 0
helptext = _("\
This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
production to Coinage means its shield production is\
converted to tax output (money, coins!).\
upkeep = 0
sabotage = 0
helptext = _("\
This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
production to Capitalization means its shield production is\
converted to tax output (money).\
; FIXME: this is the real helptext; restore when have a subordnate analogue
; /* (ignore for gettext until fixed)
;helptext = _("\
;This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
;This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
; production to Capitalization means its shield production is\
; converted to tax output (money).\
; */
helptext = _("\
This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
production to Coinage means its shield production is\
converted to tax output (money, coins!).\
; FIXME: this is the real helptext; restore when have a subordnate analogue
; /* (ignore for gettext until fixed)
;helptext = _("\
;This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
;This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
; production to Capitalization means its shield production is\
; converted to tax output (money).\
; */
helptext = _("\
This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
production to Coinage means its shield production is\
converted to tax output (money, coins!).\
; FIXME: this is the real helptext; restore when have a subordnate analogue
; /* (ignore for gettext until fixed)
;helptext = _("\
;This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
;This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
; production to Capitalization means its shield production is\
; converted to tax output (money).\
; */
helptext = _("\
This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
production to Coinage means its shield production is\
converted to tax output (money, coins!).\
upkeep = 0
sabotage = 0
helptext = _("\
This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
production to Coinage means its shield production is\
converted to tax output (money, coins!).\
; FIXME: this is the real helptext; restore when have a subordnate analogue
; /* (ignore for gettext until fixed)
;helptext = _("\
;This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
;This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
; production to Capitalization means its shield production is\
; converted to tax output (money).\
; */
helptext = _("\
This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
production to Coinage means its shield production is\
converted to tax output (money, coins!).\
; FIXME: this is the real helptext; restore when have a subordnate analogue
; /* (ignore for gettext until fixed)
;helptext = _("\
;This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
;This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
; production to Capitalization means its shield production is\
; converted to tax output (money).\
; */
helptext = _("\
This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
This is not a normal improvement. Instead, setting a city's\
production to Coinage means its shield production is\
converted to tax output (money, coins!).\