


Feature #630 ยป 0083-Lua-Add-Unit-seen-player.patch

Marko Lindqvist, 05/17/2024 09:40 PM

View differences:

Checks if a unit can be seen by pplayer at its current location.
See can_player_see_unit_at.
See can_player_see_unit_at().
bool can_player_see_unit(const struct player *pplayer,
const struct unit *punit)
Return TRUE iff the player can see units in the city. Either they
Return TRUE iff the player can see units in the city. Either they
can see all units or none.
If the player can see units in the city, then the server sends the
unit info for units in the city to the client. The client uses the
tile's unitlist to determine whether to show the city occupied flag. Of
course the units will be visible to the player as well, if they click on
unit info for units in the city to the client. The client uses the
tile's unitlist to determine whether to show the city occupied flag.
Of course the units will be visible to the player as well, if they
click on them.
If the player can't see units in the city, then the server doesn't send
the unit info for these units. The client therefore uses the "occupied"
the unit info for these units. The client therefore uses the "occupied"
flag sent in the short city packet to determine whether to show the city
occupied flag.
Note that can_player_see_city_internals => can_player_see_units_in_city.
Note that can_player_see_city_internals() => can_player_see_units_in_city().
Otherwise the player would not know anything about the city's units at
all, since the full city packet has no "occupied" flag.
Returns TRUE if given a NULL player. This is used by the client when in
Returns TRUE if given a NULL player. This is used by the client when in
observer mode.
bool can_player_see_units_in_city(const struct player *pplayer,
Return TRUE iff the player can see the city's internals. This means the
Return TRUE iff the player can see the city's internals. This means the
full city packet is sent to the client, who should then be able to popup
a dialog for it.
Returns TRUE if given a NULL player. This is used by the client when in
Returns TRUE if given a NULL player. This is used by the client when in
observer mode.
bool can_player_see_city_internals(const struct player *pplayer,
Return the number of pplayer2's visible units in pplayer's territory,
from the point of view of pplayer. Units that cannot be seen by pplayer
from the point of view of pplayer. Units that cannot be seen by pplayer
will not be found (this function doesn't cheat).
int player_in_territory(const struct player *pplayer,
int in_territory = 0;
/* This algorithm should work at server or client. It only returns the
/* This algorithm should work at server or client. It only returns the
* number of visible units (a unit can potentially hide inside the
* transport of a different player).
* Note this may be quite slow. An even slower alternative is to iterate
* Note this may be quite slow. An even slower alternative is to iterate
* over the entire map, checking all units inside the player's territory
* to see if they're owned by the enemy. */
unit_list_iterate(pplayer2->units, punit) {
if (owner == pplayer && can_player_see_unit(pplayer, punit)) {
/* Found one! */
in_territory += 1;
} unit_list_iterate_end;
Returns whether this is a valid username. This is used by the server to
Returns whether this is a valid username. This is used by the server to
validate usernames and should be used by the client to avoid invalid
return "\?";
Whether player currently sees the unit
bool api_methods_unit_seen(lua_State *L, Unit *self, Player *watcher)
LUASCRIPT_CHECK_ARG_NIL(L, watcher, 3, Player, FALSE);
return can_player_see_unit(watcher, self);
Return TRUE if players share research.
bool api_methods_unit_can_upgrade(lua_State *L, Unit *punit, bool is_free);
const char *api_methods_unit_transform_problem(lua_State *L, Unit *punit,
Unit_Type *ptype);
bool api_methods_unit_seen(lua_State *L, Unit *self, Player *watcher);
/* Unit Type */
bool api_methods_unit_type_has_flag(lua_State *L, Unit_Type *punit_type,
@ link_text(lua_State *L, Unit *self);
const char *api_methods_unit_tile_link
@ tile_link_text(lua_State *L, Unit *self);
bool api_methods_unit_seen
@ seen(lua_State *L, Unit *self, Player *watcher);
module methods_private {