


Feature #746 » 0008-Fix-doc-typos-found-by-codespell.patch

S3_1 - Marko Lindqvist, 07/01/2024 09:25 PM

View differences:

Ideally, users would be identified with unique global ids, handed out
by a 'registry service' similar to the metaserver, but this would be
too cumbersome in practice. So the plan is to make users persist in
a server session (even whan a game is started, or restarted when that
a server session (even when a game is started, or restarted when that
option is added) and make them persist across games (when a saved
game is loaded in a different server session).
When a player starts a client, they are presented with several options:
start a new game, continue a saved game and connect to a networked game.
For the latter option, connect_to_server() is called and login proceeeds as
For the latter option, connect_to_server() is called and login proceeds as
normal. The first two options, connectdlg_common.c:client_start_server() is
called. Here, a server is spawned, standard input and outputs to that process
are closed, and then connect_to_server() is called so the client connects to
* actor must be aware that the target exists
* actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it.
"Sabotage City Production" - Sabotage the city's produciton.
"Sabotage City Production" - Sabotage the city's production.
* UI name can be set using ui_name_sabotage_city_production
* spends the actor unit
* actor must be aware that the target exists
* actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it.
"Sabotage City Production Escape" - Sabotage the city's produciton.
"Sabotage City Production Escape" - Sabotage the city's production.
* UI name can be set using ui_name_sabotage_city_production_escape
* actor must be aware that the target exists
* actor must be on the same tile as the target or on the tile next to it.
can't have any trade routes at all it is impossible to establish a new
"Enter Marketplace" - Get a one time bounus without creating a trade route.
"Enter Marketplace" - Get a one time bonus without creating a trade route.
* UI name can be set using ui_name_enter_marketplace
* actor must be aware that the target exists
* any action listed in enter_marketplace_blocked_by must be impossible
on windows/installer_cross/.
Currently these scripts need to be run on their own
directory, and they produce their output there
(wihin freeciv tree). If everything success, final
(within freeciv tree). If everything success, final
installers are generated to Output/
The text in the brackets is the entry name, which just has to be unique, but
is otherwise not used. The 'type' tells Freeciv which effect type
is being added. If effect is active, 'value' gets added to the total of
the effect type's current value (i.e. values of individial effect entries
the effect type's current value (i.e. values of individual effect entries
are cumulataive.) What that (total) value is actually used for depends
on effect type. The 'reqs' table contain a list of requirements for
this effect being in active. You need to satisfy all requirements
matched sprites : If the terrain has a match type or is layered, a
set of matched sprites is needed. This consists of
16 sprites with tags "t.<terrain>_n<V>e<V>s<V>w<V>"
(e.g., "t.hills_n0e0s1w0". Each direcional value
(e.g., "t.hills_n0e0s1w0". Each directional value
<V> is either 0 or 1. Note that the directions are
in map coordinates, so n (north) in iso-view is
northeast on the mapview. (Note this only applies
What nations can be added to Freeciv?
A nation in Freeciv should preferrably be a current independent country
A nation in Freeciv should preferably be a current independent country
or a historical kingdom or realm. A nation that is currently governed
by or the part of a greater political entity, or in other ways lacks
complete independence could in most cases be made a Freeciv nation as