


Feature #754 » 0023-Nations-Clear-trailing-spaces.patch

Marko Lindqvist, 07/08/2024 10:28 PM

View differences:

leaders = {
"name", "sex"
"Alexander Zakharchenko", "Male" ; (1976–2018) Head of the Donetsk People's Republic from 4 November 2014 – 31 August 2018
"Alexander Zakharchenko", "Male" ; (1976–2018) Head of the Donetsk People's Republic from 4 November 2014 – 31 August 2018
"Dmitry Trapeznikov", "Male" ; Head of the Donetsk People's Republic from 31 August 2018 – 7 September 2018
"Denis Pushilin", "Male" ; Head of the Donetsk People's Republic since 7 September 2018
"Elena Pushilina", "Female" ; Denis Pushilin's wife
init_buildings = ""
init_units = ""
;conflicts_with =
civilwar_nations = "irish", "british", "english", "gaelic", "scottish gaelic"
;conflicts_with =
civilwar_nations = "irish", "british", "english", "gaelic", "scottish gaelic"
cities = ; Cities sourced from
; with minor corrections from
cities =
"Akajela", ; Al-Qahirah, Kairo (Capital of Egypt)
"Alana", ; Atlanta (USA)
"Alawa", ; Ottawa (Capital of Canada)
"Alenta", ; Atlanta (USA)
"Alipasi", ; Halifax (Canada)
"Anpu", ; Hamburg (Germany)
"Ansetan", ; Amsterdam (Capital of Netherlands)
"Asina", ; Athen (Capital of Greece)
"Esupo", ; Espoo (Finland)
"Iwesun", ; Hilversum (Netherlands)
"Kakawi", ; Calgary (Canada)
"Kenpisi", ; Cambridge (USA, UK)
"Kunte", ; Krung Thep; Bangkok (Capital of Thailand)
"Akajela", ; Al-Qahirah, Kairo (Capital of Egypt)
"Alana", ; Atlanta (USA)
"Alawa", ; Ottawa (Capital of Canada)
"Alenta", ; Atlanta (USA)
"Alipasi", ; Halifax (Canada)
"Anpu", ; Hamburg (Germany)
"Ansetan", ; Amsterdam (Capital of Netherlands)
"Asina", ; Athen (Capital of Greece)
"Esupo", ; Espoo (Finland)
"Iwesun", ; Hilversum (Netherlands)
"Kakawi", ; Calgary (Canada)
"Kenpisi", ; Cambridge (USA, UK)
"Kunte", ; Krung Thep; Bangkok (Capital of Thailand)
"Lantan", ; London (Caiptal of UK)
"Lesinki", ; Helsinki; Helsingfors (Capital of Finnland)
"Loma", ; Rome (Capital of Italy)
"Losansele", ; Los Angeles (USA)
"Manten", ; Moncton (Canada)
"Mesiko", ; Mexiko-Stadt (Capital of Mexiko)
"Milano", ; Milan (Italy)
"Minsen", ; Munich (Germany)
"Monkela", ; Montreal (Canada)
"Napoli", ; Napoli, Neapel (Italy)
"Nujoka", ; New York City (USA)
"Osaka", ; Osaka (Japan)
"Paki", ; Paris (Capital of France)
"Pasen", ; Boston (USA)
"Pelin", ; Berlin (Capital of Germany)
"Peminan", ; Birmingham (England)
"Pesin", ; Beijing; Peking (Capital of China)
"Pilense", ; Florenz (Italy)
"Polan", ; Portland (USA)
"Putapesi", ; Budapest (Capital of Hungary)
"Sakata", ; Jakarta (Capital of Indonesia)
"Sanpansiko", ; San Francisco (USA)
"Sawi", ; Sackville (Canada)
"Sene", ; Genf (Switzerland)
"Sensan", ; St. John"s (Canada)
"Sesija", ; Shediac (Canada)
"Sije", ; Dieppe (Canada)
"Solu", ; Seoul (Capital of South Korea)
"Tanpele", ; Tampere (Finland)
"Telawi", ; Tel Aviv (Israel)
"Tokijo", ; Tokyo; Tokio (Capital of Japan)
"Towano", ; Toronto (Canada)
"Tuku", ; Turku (Finland)
"Wankuwa", ; Vancouver (Canada)
"Wenesija" ; Venedig (Italy)
"Lesinki", ; Helsinki; Helsingfors (Capital of Finnland)
"Loma", ; Rome (Capital of Italy)
"Losansele", ; Los Angeles (USA)
"Manten", ; Moncton (Canada)
"Mesiko", ; Mexiko-Stadt (Capital of Mexiko)
"Milano", ; Milan (Italy)
"Minsen", ; Munich (Germany)
"Monkela", ; Montreal (Canada)
"Napoli", ; Napoli, Neapel (Italy)
"Nujoka", ; New York City (USA)
"Osaka", ; Osaka (Japan)
"Paki", ; Paris (Capital of France)
"Pasen", ; Boston (USA)
"Pelin", ; Berlin (Capital of Germany)
"Peminan", ; Birmingham (England)
"Pesin", ; Beijing; Peking (Capital of China)
"Pilense", ; Florenz (Italy)
"Polan", ; Portland (USA)
"Putapesi", ; Budapest (Capital of Hungary)
"Sakata", ; Jakarta (Capital of Indonesia)
"Sanpansiko", ; San Francisco (USA)
"Sawi", ; Sackville (Canada)
"Sene", ; Genf (Switzerland)
"Sensan", ; St. John"s (Canada)
"Sesija", ; Shediac (Canada)
"Sije", ; Dieppe (Canada)
"Solu", ; Seoul (Capital of South Korea)
"Tanpele", ; Tampere (Finland)
"Telawi", ; Tel Aviv (Israel)
"Tokijo", ; Tokyo; Tokio (Capital of Japan)
"Towano", ; Toronto (Canada)
"Tuku", ; Turku (Finland)
"Wankuwa", ; Vancouver (Canada)
"Wenesija" ; Venedig (Italy)