


Feature #683 » 0025-Update-included-lua-to-version-5.4.7.patch

main, S3_2 - Marko Lindqvist, 07/09/2024 01:10 AM

View differences:

freeciv_lua.patch \
doc/readme.html \
doc/logo.gif \
This is Lua 5.4.6, released on 02 May 2023.
This is Lua 5.4.7, released on 13 Jun 2024.
For installation instructions, license details, and
further information about Lua, see doc/readme.html.
Sources here are from lua-5.4.6
Sources here are from lua-5.4.7
Upstream bug fixes from applied:
1, 2, 3, 4 & 5, 6, 7
Not entire lua distribution directory hierarchy is included here, and
some files needed for Freeciv usage have been added.
<A HREF=""><IMG SRC="logo.gif" ALT="Lua"></A>
<A HREF=""><IMG SRC="logo.gif" ALT="Lua"></A>
Welcome to Lua 5.4
Lua is a powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language
developed by a
<A HREF="">team</A>
<A HREF="">team</A>
<A HREF="">PUC-Rio</A>,
<A HREF="">PUC-Rio</A>,
the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.
Lua is
<A HREF="#license">free software</A>
used in
<A HREF="">many products and projects</A>
<A HREF="">many products and projects</A>
around the world.
<A HREF="">official web site</A>
<A HREF="">official website</A>
provides complete information
about Lua,
<A HREF="">executive summary</A>
<A HREF="">executive summary</A>,
tips on
<A HREF="">getting started</A>,
<A HREF="">documentation</A>,
<A HREF="">documentation</A>,
especially the
<A HREF="">reference manual</A>,
<A HREF="">reference manual</A>,
which may differ slightly from the
<A HREF="contents.html">local copy</A>
distributed in this package.
<H2><A NAME="install">Installing Lua</A></H2>
Lua is distributed in
<A HREF="">source</A>
<A HREF="">source</A>
You need to build it before using it.
Building Lua should be straightforward
platforms that have an ANSI C compiler.
Lua also compiles unmodified as C++.
The instructions given below for building Lua are for Unix-like platforms,
such as Linux and Mac OS X.
such as Linux and macOS.
See also
<A HREF="#other">instructions for other systems</A>
If you don't have the time or the inclination to compile Lua yourself,
get a binary from
<A HREF="">LuaBinaries</A>.
<A HREF="">LuaBinaries</A>.
<H3>Building Lua</H3>
Open a terminal window and move to
the top-level directory, which is named <TT>lua-5.4.6</TT>.
the top-level directory, which is named <TT>lua-5.4.7</TT>.
The <TT>Makefile</TT> there controls both the build process and the installation process.
record the changes you've made.
On the other hand, if you need to customize some Lua features, you'll need
to edit <TT>src/luaconf.h</TT> before building and installing Lua.
On the other hand, if you need to customize some Lua features,
edit <TT>src/luaconf.h</TT> before building and installing Lua.
The edited file will be the one installed, and
it will be used by any Lua clients that you build, to ensure consistency.
Further customization is available to experts by editing the Lua sources.
To use Lua as a library in your own programs, you'll need to know how to
To use Lua as a library in your own programs, you need to know how to
create and use libraries with your compiler. Moreover, to dynamically load
C libraries for Lua, you'll need to know how to create dynamic libraries
and you'll need to make sure that the Lua API functions are accessible to
<H2><A NAME="license">License</A></H2>
<A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="osi-certified-72x60.png" ALIGN="right" ALT="[osi certified]" STYLE="padding-left: 30px ;">
<A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="OSIApproved_100X125.png" ALIGN="right" ALT="[Open Source Initiative Approved License]" STYLE="padding-left: 1em" WIDTH=50>
Lua is free software distributed under the terms of the
<A HREF="">MIT license</A>
<A HREF="">MIT license</A>
reproduced below;
it may be used for any purpose, including commercial purposes,
at absolutely no cost without having to ask us.
The only requirement is that if you do use Lua,
then you should give us credit by including the appropriate copyright notice somewhere in your product or its documentation.
For details, see
<A HREF="">this</A>.
For details, see the
<A HREF="">license page</A>.
<BLOCKQUOTE STYLE="padding-bottom: 0em">
Copyright &copy; 1994&ndash;2023, PUC-Rio.
Copyright &copy; 1994&ndash;2024, PUC-Rio.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
<P CLASS="footer">
Last update:
Tue May 2 20:08:55 UTC 2023
Wed May 8 21:56:16 UTC 2024
Last change: revised for Lua 5.4.6
Last change: revised for Lua 5.4.7
o = index2value(L, idx); /* previous call may reallocate the stack */
if (len != NULL)
*len = vslen(o);
*len = tsslen(tsvalue(o));
return svalue(o);
return getstr(tsvalue(o));
int top = lua_gettop(L);
lua_getinfo(L, "f", ar); /* push function */
luaL_checkstack(L, 6, "not enough stack"); /* slots for 'findfield' */
if (findfield(L, top + 1, 2)) {
const char *name = lua_tostring(L, -1);
if (strncmp(name, LUA_GNAME ".", 3) == 0) { /* name start with '_G.'? */
return 1;
else {
const char *msg;
msg = (en != 0) ? strerror(en) : "(no extra info)";
if (fname)
lua_pushfstring(L, "%s: %s", fname, strerror(en));
lua_pushfstring(L, "%s: %s", fname, msg);
lua_pushstring(L, strerror(en));
lua_pushstring(L, msg);
lua_pushinteger(L, en);
return 3;
static int errfile (lua_State *L, const char *what, int fnameindex) {
const char *serr = strerror(errno);
int err = errno;
const char *filename = lua_tostring(L, fnameindex) + 1;
lua_pushfstring(L, "cannot %s %s: %s", what, filename, serr);
if (err != 0)
lua_pushfstring(L, "cannot %s %s: %s", what, filename, strerror(err));
lua_pushfstring(L, "cannot %s %s", what, filename);
lua_remove(L, fnameindex);
else {
lua_pushfstring(L, "@%s", filename);
errno = 0;
lf.f = fopen(filename, "r");
if (lf.f == NULL) return errfile(L, "open", fnameindex);
if (c == LUA_SIGNATURE[0]) { /* binary file? */
lf.n = 0; /* remove possible newline */
if (filename) { /* "real" file? */
errno = 0;
lf.f = freopen(filename, "rb", lf.f); /* reopen in binary mode */
if (lf.f == NULL) return errfile(L, "reopen", fnameindex);
skipcomment(lf.f, &c); /* re-read initial portion */
if (c != EOF)
lf.buff[lf.n++] = c; /* 'c' is the first character of the stream */
errno = 0;
status = lua_load(L, getF, &lf, lua_tostring(L, -1), mode);
readstatus = ferror(lf.f);
if (filename) fclose(lf.f); /* close file (even in case of errors) */
LUALIB_API void luaL_setfuncs (lua_State *L, const luaL_Reg *l, int nup) {
luaL_checkstack(L, nup, "too many upvalues");
for (; l->name != NULL; l++) { /* fill the table with given functions */
if (l->func == NULL) /* place holder? */
if (l->func == NULL) /* placeholder? */
lua_pushboolean(L, 0);
else {
int i;
** Standard panic funcion just prints an error message. The test
** with 'lua_type' avoids possible memory errors in 'lua_tostring'.
static int panic (lua_State *L) {
const char *msg = lua_tostring(L, -1);
if (msg == NULL) msg = "error object is not a string";
const char *msg = (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TSTRING)
? lua_tostring(L, -1)
: "error object is not a string";
lua_writestringerror("PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (%s)\n",
return 0; /* return to Lua to abort */
case VLOCAL: { /* already in a register */
e-> = e->u.var.ridx;
int temp = e->u.var.ridx;
e-> = temp; /* (can't do a direct assignment; values overlap) */
e->k = VNONRELOC; /* becomes a non-relocatable value */
** Check whether expression 'e' is a small literal string
** Check whether expression 'e' is a short literal string
static int isKstr (FuncState *fs, expdesc *e) {
return (e->k == VK && !hasjumps(e) && e-> <= MAXARG_B &&
if (t->k == VUPVAL && !isKstr(fs, k)) /* upvalue indexed by non 'Kstr'? */
luaK_exp2anyreg(fs, t); /* put it in a register */
if (t->k == VUPVAL) {
t->u.ind.t = t->; /* upvalue index */
t->u.ind.idx = k->; /* literal string */
int temp = t->; /* upvalue index */
lua_assert(isKstr(fs, k));
t->u.ind.t = temp; /* (can't do a direct assignment; values overlap) */
t->u.ind.idx = k->; /* literal short string */
t->k = VINDEXUP;
else {
/* register index of the table */
t->u.ind.t = (t->k == VLOCAL) ? t->u.var.ridx: t->;
if (isKstr(fs, k)) {
t->u.ind.idx = k->; /* literal string */
t->u.ind.idx = k->; /* literal short string */
else if (isCint(k)) {
#define noLuaClosure(f) ((f) == NULL || (f)-> == LUA_VCCL)
#define LuaClosure(f) ((f) != NULL && (f)-> == LUA_VLCL)
static const char *funcnamefromcall (lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci,
static void funcinfo (lua_Debug *ar, Closure *cl) {
if (noLuaClosure(cl)) {
if (!LuaClosure(cl)) {
ar->source = "=[C]";
ar->srclen = LL("=[C]");
ar->linedefined = -1;
static void collectvalidlines (lua_State *L, Closure *f) {
if (noLuaClosure(f)) {
if (!LuaClosure(f)) {
else {
int i;
TValue v;
const Proto *p = f->l.p;
int currentline = p->linedefined;
Table *t = luaH_new(L); /* new table to store active lines */
sethvalue2s(L, L->top.p, t); /* push it on stack */
setbtvalue(&v); /* boolean 'true' to be the value of all indices */
if (!p->is_vararg) /* regular function? */
i = 0; /* consider all instructions */
else { /* vararg function */
lua_assert(GET_OPCODE(p->code[0]) == OP_VARARGPREP);
currentline = nextline(p, currentline, 0);
i = 1; /* skip first instruction (OP_VARARGPREP) */
for (; i < p->sizelineinfo; i++) { /* for each instruction */
currentline = nextline(p, currentline, i); /* get its line */
luaH_setint(L, t, currentline, &v); /* table[line] = true */
if (p->lineinfo != NULL) { /* proto with debug information? */
int i;
TValue v;
setbtvalue(&v); /* boolean 'true' to be the value of all indices */
if (!p->is_vararg) /* regular function? */
i = 0; /* consider all instructions */
else { /* vararg function */
lua_assert(GET_OPCODE(p->code[0]) == OP_VARARGPREP);
currentline = nextline(p, currentline, 0);
i = 1; /* skip first instruction (OP_VARARGPREP) */
for (; i < p->sizelineinfo; i++) { /* for each instruction */
currentline = nextline(p, currentline, i); /* get its line */
luaH_setint(L, t, currentline, &v); /* table[line] = true */
case 'u': {
ar->nups = (f == NULL) ? 0 : f->c.nupvalues;
if (noLuaClosure(f)) {
if (!LuaClosure(f)) {
ar->isvararg = 1;
ar->nparams = 0;
return NULL; /* cannot find a reasonable name */
*name = getstr(G(L)->tmname[tm]) + 2;
*name = getshrstr(G(L)->tmname[tm]) + 2;
return "metamethod";
static lu_mem traversetable (global_State *g, Table *h) {
const char *weakkey, *weakvalue;
const TValue *mode = gfasttm(g, h->metatable, TM_MODE);
TString *smode;
markobjectN(g, h->metatable);
if (mode && ttisstring(mode) && /* is there a weak mode? */
(cast_void(weakkey = strchr(svalue(mode), 'k')),
cast_void(weakvalue = strchr(svalue(mode), 'v')),
if (mode && ttisshrstring(mode) && /* is there a weak mode? */
(cast_void(smode = tsvalue(mode)),
cast_void(weakkey = strchr(getshrstr(smode), 'k')),
cast_void(weakvalue = strchr(getshrstr(smode), 'v')),
(weakkey || weakvalue))) { /* is really weak? */
if (!weakkey) /* strong keys? */
traverseweakvalue(g, h);
for (uv = th->openupval; uv != NULL; uv = uv->
markobject(g, uv); /* open upvalues cannot be collected */
if (g->gcstate == GCSatomic) { /* final traversal? */
for (; o < th->stack_last.p + EXTRA_STACK; o++)
if (!g->gcemergency)
luaD_shrinkstack(th); /* do not change stack in emergency cycle */
for (o = th->top.p; o < th->stack_last.p + EXTRA_STACK; o++)
setnilvalue(s2v(o)); /* clear dead stack slice */
/* 'remarkupvals' may have removed thread from 'twups' list */
if (!isintwups(th) && th->openupval != NULL) {
g->twups = th;
else if (!g->gcemergency)
luaD_shrinkstack(th); /* do not change stack in emergency cycle */
return 1 + stacksize(th);
entersweep(L); /* sweep everything to turn them back to white */
/* finish any pending sweep phase to start a new cycle */
luaC_runtilstate(L, bitmask(GCSpause));
luaC_runtilstate(L, bitmask(GCSpropagate)); /* start new cycle */
g->gcstate = GCSenteratomic; /* go straight to atomic phase */
luaC_runtilstate(L, bitmask(GCScallfin)); /* run up to finalizers */
/* estimate must be correct after a full GC cycle */
lua_assert(g->GCestimate == gettotalbytes(g));
static int io_fclose (lua_State *L) {
LStream *p = tolstream(L);
int res = fclose(p->f);
return luaL_fileresult(L, (res == 0), NULL);
errno = 0;
return luaL_fileresult(L, (fclose(p->f) == 0), NULL);
LStream *p = newfile(L);
const char *md = mode; /* to traverse/check mode */
luaL_argcheck(L, l_checkmode(md), 2, "invalid mode");
errno = 0;
p->f = fopen(filename, mode);
return (p->f == NULL) ? luaL_fileresult(L, 0, filename) : 1;
const char *mode = luaL_optstring(L, 2, "r");
LStream *p = newprefile(L);
luaL_argcheck(L, l_checkmodep(mode), 2, "invalid mode");
errno = 0;
p->f = l_popen(L, filename, mode);
p->closef = &io_pclose;
return (p->f == NULL) ? luaL_fileresult(L, 0, filename) : 1;
static int io_tmpfile (lua_State *L) {
LStream *p = newfile(L);
errno = 0;
p->f = tmpfile();
return (p->f == NULL) ? luaL_fileresult(L, 0, NULL) : 1;
int nargs = lua_gettop(L) - 1;
int n, success;
errno = 0;
if (nargs == 0) { /* no arguments? */
success = read_line(L, f, 1);
n = first + 1; /* to return 1 result */
static int g_write (lua_State *L, FILE *f, int arg) {
int nargs = lua_gettop(L) - arg;
int status = 1;
errno = 0;
for (; nargs--; arg++) {
if (lua_type(L, arg) == LUA_TNUMBER) {
/* optimization: could be done exactly as for strings */
if (l_likely(status))
return 1; /* file handle already on stack top */
else return luaL_fileresult(L, status, NULL);
return luaL_fileresult(L, status, NULL);
l_seeknum offset = (l_seeknum)p3;
luaL_argcheck(L, (lua_Integer)offset == p3, 3,
"not an integer in proper range");
errno = 0;
op = l_fseek(f, offset, mode[op]);
if (l_unlikely(op))
return luaL_fileresult(L, 0, NULL); /* error */
FILE *f = tofile(L);
int op = luaL_checkoption(L, 2, NULL, modenames);
lua_Integer sz = luaL_optinteger(L, 3, LUAL_BUFFERSIZE);
int res = setvbuf(f, NULL, mode[op], (size_t)sz);
int res;
errno = 0;
res = setvbuf(f, NULL, mode[op], (size_t)sz);
return luaL_fileresult(L, res == 0, NULL);
static int io_flush (lua_State *L) {
return luaL_fileresult(L, fflush(getiofile(L, IO_OUTPUT)) == 0, NULL);
FILE *f = getiofile(L, IO_OUTPUT);
errno = 0;
return luaL_fileresult(L, fflush(f) == 0, NULL);
static int f_flush (lua_State *L) {
return luaL_fileresult(L, fflush(tofile(L)) == 0, NULL);
FILE *f = tofile(L);
errno = 0;
return luaL_fileresult(L, fflush(f) == 0, NULL);
** metamethods for file handles
static const luaL_Reg metameth[] = {
{"__index", NULL}, /* place holder */
{"__index", NULL}, /* placeholder */
{"__gc", f_gc},
{"__close", f_gc},
{"__tostring", f_tostring},
** ===================================================================
** This code uses lots of shifts. ANSI C does not allow shifts greater
** than or equal to the width of the type being shifted, so some shifts
** are written in convoluted ways to match that restriction. For
** preprocessor tests, it assumes a width of 32 bits, so the maximum
** shift there is 31 bits.
/* number of binary digits in the mantissa of a float */
#define FIGS l_floatatt(MANT_DIG)
/* 'long' has at least 64 bits */
#define Rand64 unsigned long
#define SRand64 long
#elif !defined(LUA_USE_C89) && defined(LLONG_MAX)
/* there is a 'long long' type (which must have at least 64 bits) */
#define Rand64 unsigned long long
#define SRand64 long long
#elif ((LUA_MAXUNSIGNED >> 31) >> 31) >= 3
/* 'lua_Unsigned' has at least 64 bits */
#define Rand64 lua_Unsigned
#define SRand64 lua_Integer
/* must take care to not shift stuff by more than 63 slots */
** Convert bits from a random integer into a float in the
** interval [0,1), getting the higher FIG bits from the
** random unsigned integer and converting that to a float.
** Some old Microsoft compilers cannot cast an unsigned long
** to a floating-point number, so we use a signed long as an
** intermediary. When lua_Number is float or double, the shift ensures
** that 'sx' is non negative; in that case, a good compiler will remove
** the correction.
/* must throw out the extra (64 - FIGS) bits */
#define shift64_FIG (64 - FIGS)
/* to scale to [0, 1), multiply by scaleFIG = 2^(-FIGS) */
/* 2^(-FIGS) == 2^-1 / 2^(FIGS-1) */
#define scaleFIG (l_mathop(0.5) / ((Rand64)1 << (FIGS - 1)))
static lua_Number I2d (Rand64 x) {
return (lua_Number)(trim64(x) >> shift64_FIG) * scaleFIG;
SRand64 sx = (SRand64)(trim64(x) >> shift64_FIG);
lua_Number res = (lua_Number)(sx) * scaleFIG;
if (sx < 0)
res += l_mathop(1.0); /* correct the two's complement if negative */
lua_assert(0 <= res && res < 1);
return res;
/* convert a 'Rand64' to a 'lua_Unsigned' */
#else /* 32 < FIGS <= 64 */
/* must take care to not shift stuff by more than 31 slots */
/* 2^(-FIGS) = 1.0 / 2^30 / 2^3 / 2^(FIGS-33) */
#define scaleFIG \
(l_mathop(1.0) / (UONE << 30) / l_mathop(8.0) / (UONE << (FIGS - 33)))
#include "lualib.h"
** LUA_IGMARK is a mark to ignore all before it when building the
** luaopen_ function name.
#if !defined (LUA_IGMARK)
#define LUA_IGMARK "-"
** LUA_CSUBSEP is the character that replaces dots in submodule names
** when searching for a C loader.
addstr2buff(&buff, fmt, strlen(fmt)); /* rest of 'fmt' */
clearbuff(&buff); /* empty buffer into the stack */
lua_assert(buff.pushed == 1);
return svalue(s2v(L->top.p - 1));
return getstr(tsvalue(s2v(L->top.p - 1)));
typedef struct TString {
lu_byte extra; /* reserved words for short strings; "has hash" for longs */
lu_byte shrlen; /* length for short strings */
lu_byte shrlen; /* length for short strings, 0xFF for long strings */
unsigned int hash;
union {
size_t lnglen; /* length for long strings */
** Get the actual string (array of bytes) from a 'TString'.
** Get the actual string (array of bytes) from a 'TString'. (Generic
** version and specialized versions for long and short strings.)
#define getstr(ts) ((ts)->contents)
#define getstr(ts) ((ts)->contents)
#define getlngstr(ts) check_exp((ts)->shrlen == 0xFF, (ts)->contents)
#define getshrstr(ts) check_exp((ts)->shrlen != 0xFF, (ts)->contents)
/* get the actual string (array of bytes) from a Lua value */
#define svalue(o) getstr(tsvalue(o))
/* get string length from 'TString *s' */
#define tsslen(s) ((s)->tt == LUA_VSHRSTR ? (s)->shrlen : (s)->u.lnglen)
/* get string length from 'TValue *o' */
#define vslen(o) tsslen(tsvalue(o))
#define tsslen(s) \
((s)->shrlen != 0xFF ? (s)->shrlen : (s)->u.lnglen)
/* }================================================================== */
OP_GETUPVAL,/* A B R[A] := UpValue[B] */
OP_SETUPVAL,/* A B UpValue[B] := R[A] */
OP_GETTABUP,/* A B C R[A] := UpValue[B][K[C]:string] */
OP_GETTABUP,/* A B C R[A] := UpValue[B][K[C]:shortstring] */
OP_GETTABLE,/* A B C R[A] := R[B][R[C]] */
OP_GETI,/* A B C R[A] := R[B][C] */
OP_GETFIELD,/* A B C R[A] := R[B][K[C]:string] */
OP_GETFIELD,/* A B C R[A] := R[B][K[C]:shortstring] */
OP_SETTABUP,/* A B C UpValue[A][K[B]:string] := RK(C) */
OP_SETTABUP,/* A B C UpValue[A][K[B]:shortstring] := RK(C) */
OP_SETTABLE,/* A B C R[A][R[B]] := RK(C) */
OP_SETI,/* A B C R[A][B] := RK(C) */
OP_SETFIELD,/* A B C R[A][K[B]:string] := RK(C) */
OP_SETFIELD,/* A B C R[A][K[B]:shortstring] := RK(C) */
OP_NEWTABLE,/* A B C k R[A] := {} */
static int os_remove (lua_State *L) {
const char *filename = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
errno = 0;
return luaL_fileresult(L, remove(filename) == 0, filename);
static int os_rename (lua_State *L) {
const char *fromname = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
const char *toname = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
errno = 0;
return luaL_fileresult(L, rename(fromname, toname) == 0, NULL);
void luaE_warnerror (lua_State *L, const char *where) {
TValue *errobj = s2v(L->top.p - 1); /* error object */
const char *msg = (ttisstring(errobj))
? svalue(errobj)
? getstr(tsvalue(errobj))
: "error object is not a string";
/* produce warning "error in %s (%s)" (where, msg) */
luaE_warning(L, "error in ", 1);
lua_assert(a->tt == LUA_VLNGSTR && b->tt == LUA_VLNGSTR);
return (a == b) || /* same instance or... */
((len == b->u.lnglen) && /* equal length and ... */
(memcmp(getstr(a), getstr(b), len) == 0)); /* equal contents */
(memcmp(getlngstr(a), getlngstr(b), len) == 0)); /* equal contents */
lua_assert(ts->tt == LUA_VLNGSTR);
if (ts->extra == 0) { /* no hash? */
size_t len = ts->u.lnglen;
ts->hash = luaS_hash(getstr(ts), len, ts->hash);
ts->hash = luaS_hash(getlngstr(ts), len, ts->hash);
ts->extra = 1; /* now it has its hash */
return ts->hash;
TString *luaS_createlngstrobj (lua_State *L, size_t l) {
TString *ts = createstrobj(L, l, LUA_VLNGSTR, G(L)->seed);
ts->u.lnglen = l;
ts->shrlen = 0xFF; /* signals that it is a long string */
return ts;
TString **list = &tb->hash[lmod(h, tb->size)];
lua_assert(str != NULL); /* otherwise 'memcmp'/'memcpy' are undefined */
for (ts = *list; ts != NULL; ts = ts->u.hnext) {
if (l == ts->shrlen && (memcmp(str, getstr(ts), l * sizeof(char)) == 0)) {
if (l == ts->shrlen && (memcmp(str, getshrstr(ts), l * sizeof(char)) == 0)) {
/* found! */
if (isdead(g, ts)) /* dead (but not collected yet)? */
changewhite(ts); /* resurrect it */
list = &tb->hash[lmod(h, tb->size)]; /* rehash with new size */
ts = createstrobj(L, l, LUA_VSHRSTR, h);
memcpy(getstr(ts), str, l * sizeof(char));
ts->shrlen = cast_byte(l);
memcpy(getshrstr(ts), str, l * sizeof(char));
ts->u.hnext = *list;
*list = ts;
if (l_unlikely(l * sizeof(char) >= (MAX_SIZE - sizeof(TString))))
ts = luaS_createlngstrobj(L, l);
memcpy(getstr(ts), str, l * sizeof(char));
memcpy(getlngstr(ts), str, l * sizeof(char));
return ts;
return t->alimit; /* this is the size */
else {
unsigned int size = t->alimit;
/* compute the smallest power of 2 not smaller than 'n' */
/* compute the smallest power of 2 not smaller than 'size' */
size |= (size >> 1);
size |= (size >> 2);
size |= (size >> 4);
** put new key in its main position; otherwise (colliding node is in its main
** position), new key goes to an empty position.
void luaH_newkey (lua_State *L, Table *t, const TValue *key, TValue *value) {
static void luaH_newkey (lua_State *L, Table *t, const TValue *key,
TValue *value) {
Node *mp;
TValue aux;
if (l_unlikely(ttisnil(key)))
** Search function for integers. If integer is inside 'alimit', get it
** directly from the array part. Otherwise, if 'alimit' is not equal to
** the real size of the array, key still can be in the array part. In
** this case, try to avoid a call to 'luaH_realasize' when key is just
** one more than the limit (so that it can be incremented without
** changing the real size of the array).
** directly from the array part. Otherwise, if 'alimit' is not
** the real size of the array, the key still can be in the array part.
** In this case, do the "Xmilia trick" to check whether 'key-1' is
** smaller than the real size.
** The trick works as follow: let 'p' be an integer such that
** '2^(p+1) >= alimit > 2^p', or '2^(p+1) > alimit-1 >= 2^p'.
** That is, 2^(p+1) is the real size of the array, and 'p' is the highest
** bit on in 'alimit-1'. What we have to check becomes 'key-1 < 2^(p+1)'.
** We compute '(key-1) & ~(alimit-1)', which we call 'res'; it will
** have the 'p' bit cleared. If the key is outside the array, that is,
** 'key-1 >= 2^(p+1)', then 'res' will have some bit on higher than 'p',
** therefore it will be larger or equal to 'alimit', and the check
** will fail. If 'key-1 < 2^(p+1)', then 'res' has no bit on higher than
** 'p', and as the bit 'p' itself was cleared, 'res' will be smaller
** than 2^p, therefore smaller than 'alimit', and the check succeeds.
** As special cases, when 'alimit' is 0 the condition is trivially false,
** and when 'alimit' is 1 the condition simplifies to 'key-1 < alimit'.
** If key is 0 or negative, 'res' will have its higher bit on, so that
** if cannot be smaller than alimit.
const TValue *luaH_getint (Table *t, lua_Integer key) {
if (l_castS2U(key) - 1u < t->alimit) /* 'key' in [1, t->alimit]? */
lua_Unsigned alimit = t->alimit;
if (l_castS2U(key) - 1u < alimit) /* 'key' in [1, t->alimit]? */
return &t->array[key - 1];
else if (!limitequalsasize(t) && /* key still may be in the array part? */
(l_castS2U(key) == t->alimit + 1 ||
l_castS2U(key) - 1u < luaH_realasize(t))) {
else if (!isrealasize(t) && /* key still may be in the array part? */
(((l_castS2U(key) - 1u) & ~(alimit - 1u)) < alimit)) {
t->alimit = cast_uint(key); /* probably '#t' is here now */
return &t->array[key - 1];
else {
else { /* key is not in the array part; check the hash */
Node *n = hashint(t, key);
for (;;) { /* check whether 'key' is somewhere in the chain */
if (keyisinteger(n) && keyival(n) == key)
LUAI_FUNC const TValue *luaH_getshortstr (Table *t, TString *key);
LUAI_FUNC const TValue *luaH_getstr (Table *t, TString *key);
LUAI_FUNC const TValue *luaH_get (Table *t, const TValue *key);
LUAI_FUNC void luaH_newkey (lua_State *L, Table *t, const TValue *key,
TValue *value);
LUAI_FUNC void luaH_set (lua_State *L, Table *t, const TValue *key,
TValue *value);
LUAI_FUNC void luaH_finishset (lua_State *L, Table *t, const TValue *key,
#include "lobject.h"
#include "lstate.h"
int inv, int isfloat, TMS event);
LUAI_FUNC void luaT_adjustvarargs (lua_State *L, int nfixparams,
CallInfo *ci, const Proto *p);
LUAI_FUNC void luaT_getvarargs (lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci,
struct CallInfo *ci, const Proto *p);
LUAI_FUNC void luaT_getvarargs (lua_State *L, struct CallInfo *ci,
StkId where, int wanted);
#define LUA_VERSION_NUM 504
#define LUA_COPYRIGHT LUA_RELEASE " Copyright (C) 1994-2023, PUC-Rio"
#define LUA_COPYRIGHT LUA_RELEASE " Copyright (C) 1994-2024, PUC-Rio"
#define LUA_AUTHORS "R. Ierusalimschy, L. H. de Figueiredo, W. Celes"
* Copyright (C) 1994-2023, PUC-Rio.
* Copyright (C) 1994-2024, PUC-Rio.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
** LUA_IGMARK is a mark to ignore all after it when building the
** module name (e.g., used to build the luaopen_ function name).
** Typically, the suffix after the mark is the module version,
** as in "".
#define LUA_IGMARK "-"
/* }================================================================== */
static size_t loadSize (LoadState *S) {
return loadUnsigned(S, ~(size_t)0);
return loadUnsigned(S, MAX_SIZET);
ts = luaS_createlngstrobj(L, size); /* create string */
setsvalue2s(L, L->top.p, ts); /* anchor it ('loadVector' can GC) */
loadVector(S, getstr(ts), size); /* load directly in final place */
loadVector(S, getlngstr(ts), size); /* load directly in final place */
L->top.p--; /* pop string */
luaC_objbarrier(L, p, ts);
** Encode major-minor version in one byte, one nibble for each
#define MYINT(s) (s[0]-'0') /* assume one-digit numerals */
#define LUAC_VERSION (((LUA_VERSION_NUM / 100) * 16) + LUA_VERSION_NUM % 100)
#define LUAC_FORMAT 0 /* this is the official format */
lua_assert(obj != result);
if (!cvt2num(obj)) /* is object not a string? */
return 0;
return (luaO_str2num(svalue(obj), result) == vslen(obj) + 1);
else {
TString *st = tsvalue(obj);
return (luaO_str2num(getstr(st), result) == tsslen(st) + 1);
** Compare two strings 'ls' x 'rs', returning an integer less-equal-
** -greater than zero if 'ls' is less-equal-greater than 'rs'.
** Compare two strings 'ts1' x 'ts2', returning an integer less-equal-
** -greater than zero if 'ts1' is less-equal-greater than 'ts2'.
** The code is a little tricky because it allows '\0' in the strings
** and it uses 'strcoll' (to respect locales) for each segments
** of the strings.
** and it uses 'strcoll' (to respect locales) for each segment
** of the strings. Note that segments can compare equal but still
** have different lengths.
static int l_strcmp (const TString *ls, const TString *rs) {
const char *l = getstr(ls);
size_t ll = tsslen(ls);
const char *r = getstr(rs);
size_t lr = tsslen(rs);
static int l_strcmp (const TString *ts1, const TString *ts2) {
const char *s1 = getstr(ts1);
size_t rl1 = tsslen(ts1); /* real length */
const char *s2 = getstr(ts2);
size_t rl2 = tsslen(ts2);
for (;;) { /* for each segment */
int temp = strcoll(l, r);
int temp = strcoll(s1, s2);
if (temp != 0) /* not equal? */
return temp; /* done */
else { /* strings are equal up to a '\0' */
size_t len = strlen(l); /* index of first '\0' in both strings */
if (len == lr) /* 'rs' is finished? */
return (len == ll) ? 0 : 1; /* check 'ls' */
else if (len == ll) /* 'ls' is finished? */
return -1; /* 'ls' is less than 'rs' ('rs' is not finished) */
/* both strings longer than 'len'; go on comparing after the '\0' */
l += len; ll -= len; r += len; lr -= len;
size_t zl1 = strlen(s1); /* index of first '\0' in 's1' */
size_t zl2 = strlen(s2); /* index of first '\0' in 's2' */
if (zl2 == rl2) /* 's2' is finished? */
return (zl1 == rl1) ? 0 : 1; /* check 's1' */
else if (zl1 == rl1) /* 's1' is finished? */
return -1; /* 's1' is less than 's2' ('s2' is not finished) */
/* both strings longer than 'zl'; go on comparing after the '\0' */
zl1++; zl2++;
s1 += zl1; rl1 -= zl1; s2 += zl2; rl2 -= zl2;
static void copy2buff (StkId top, int n, char *buff) {
size_t tl = 0; /* size already copied */
do {
size_t l = vslen(s2v(top - n)); /* length of string being copied */
memcpy(buff + tl, svalue(s2v(top - n)), l * sizeof(char));
TString *st = tsvalue(s2v(top - n));
size_t l = tsslen(st); /* length of string being copied */
memcpy(buff + tl, getstr(st), l * sizeof(char));
tl += l;
} while (--n > 0);
else {
/* at least two non-empty string values; get as many as possible */
size_t tl = vslen(s2v(top - 1));
size_t tl = tsslen(tsvalue(s2v(top - 1)));
TString *ts;
/* collect total length and number of strings */
for (n = 1; n < total && tostring(L, s2v(top - n - 1)); n++) {
size_t l = vslen(s2v(top - n - 1));
size_t l = tsslen(tsvalue(s2v(top - n - 1)));
if (l_unlikely(l >= MAX_SIZE - sizeof(TString) - tl)) {
L->top.p = top - total; /* pop strings to avoid wasting stack */
luaG_runerror(L, "string length overflow");
... This diff was truncated because it exceeds the maximum size that can be displayed.