Feature #158
closedAI: Reduce space part want on wonder city
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I've seen AI sometimes to build space parts only in the wonder city. The reason is that wonder city generally tries to avoid building non-wonder targets, so there's less wants competing against space part want. This is wrong by many ways, but this ticket concentrates to the fact that space part want should be lower in the wonder city than otherwise.
Updated by Marko Lindqvist 12 months ago
- File 0001-AI-Reduce-space-part-want-on-wonder-city.patch 0001-AI-Reduce-space-part-want-on-wonder-city.patch added
- Status changed from New to In Review
- Assignee set to Marko Lindqvist
Updated by Marko Lindqvist 11 months ago
- Status changed from In Review to Closed