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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
996 Freeciv Bug New Normal Illegal value -1 for tile relationship requirement. 10/20/2024 11:33 PM Actions
1151 Freeciv Bug New Normal INSTALL.meson: Documentation lacking some project definition file keywords 11/21/2024 11:49 AM Actions
114 Freeciv Bug New Normal load_action_kind() does nothing with the information that kind is not ruleset settable 01/03/2024 10:50 PM Actions
1237 Freeciv Feature New Normal Lua - add (Player):has_embassy(other_player) 02/10/2025 01:00 AM Actions
1234 Freeciv Bug New Normal map.h inline functions lacking function headers 02/02/2025 08:04 PM Actions
664 Freeciv Bug New Normal map_allocate uses world map size rather than the given map's size 12/27/2024 10:24 PM Actions
122 Freeciv Feature New Normal MinBulbs requirement type 01/04/2024 11:12 PM Actions
1131 Freeciv Feature New Normal Msys2-next after 241102 11/17/2024 04:16 AM Actions
1073 Freeciv Feature New Normal NationGroup Islands 11/08/2024 11:23 PM Actions
442 Freeciv Bug New Normal Networking float/fixed-point naming issues 04/12/2024 01:29 AM Actions
954 Freeciv Bug New Normal Not switching to menu-music when connection to server lost 10/11/2024 01:49 AM Actions
1235 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal Pass civ_map to kill_something_with() Marko Lindqvist 02/05/2025 09:04 PM Actions
1082 Freeciv Bug New Normal player_has_really_useful_tech_parasite() not considering EFT_TECH_PARASITE_PCT_MAX 11/09/2024 04:49 AM Actions
509 Freeciv Feature New Normal README.packaging & co: Qt6Svg requirement for svgflags features 04/27/2024 01:36 PM Actions
973 Freeciv Feature New Normal Remove /metamessage command 10/16/2024 05:41 AM Actions
506 Freeciv Bug New Normal Ruleset selection available on scenario game pre-game screen 12/27/2024 10:24 PM Actions
813 Freeciv Bug New Normal S3_2 multiple selection of cities in cities report regression 09/27/2024 08:19 AM Actions
659 Freeciv Feature New Normal Sound tags for achievements 05/22/2024 12:55 AM Actions
1054 Freeciv Bug New Normal Support Freeciv21's select_step_ms 11/19/2024 11:31 AM Actions
267 Freeciv Bug New Normal Surgical Strike Building selection dialog speaks of "Sabotage" 02/17/2024 12:53 AM Actions
600 Freeciv Feature New Normal thread-local storage 05/13/2024 05:16 AM Actions
116 Freeciv Feature New Normal Unbuildable buildings 01/04/2024 11:17 PM Actions
55 Freeciv Feature New Normal Universal converter functions for Lua API 08/25/2024 01:33 AM Actions
694 Freeciv Bug New Normal Unsentrying transported unit loses its focus 11/25/2024 05:58 AM Actions
1236 Freeciv Bug In Review Normal update #define BUG_URL in gen_headers/ Marko Lindqvist 02/10/2025 10:06 PM Actions
(26-50/50) Per page: 25, 50

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