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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1057 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal action_decision_want animation only on gtk4- and gtk4x-clients Marko Lindqvist 11/03/2024 01:15 PM Actions
1055 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal gtk4x: cma_fe.c preset list as GListStore Marko Lindqvist 11/03/2024 08:47 AM Actions
1053 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal revision_describer.bash: Remove x-prefixing Marko Lindqvist 11/02/2024 09:09 AM Actions
1052 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal Unhardcode from city_choose_build_default() Marko Lindqvist 11/02/2024 08:38 AM Actions
1051 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal gtk4x: pages.c FcScenRow Marko Lindqvist 11/02/2024 07:52 AM Actions
1047 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal CI: Build msys2 Qt6x-client Marko Lindqvist 10/31/2024 07:42 PM Actions
1043 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal Ruledit: Enabler comment editing Marko Lindqvist 11/02/2024 07:38 AM Actions
1038 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal gnulib-common.m4 serial 106 Marko Lindqvist 10/30/2024 01:21 AM Actions
1035 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal gtk4x: cityreport item factory bind() and create() Marko Lindqvist 11/10/2024 12:42 PM Actions
1034 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal Animate action_decision_want icon Marko Lindqvist 11/08/2024 06:33 PM Actions
1032 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal Replace civstyle civil war bonus fields with Civil_War_City_Bonus effects Marko Lindqvist 10/29/2024 11:41 PM Actions
1031 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal Enabler comment field Marko Lindqvist 10/29/2024 06:24 PM Actions
1029 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal action_prob(): known as 'enum fc_tristate' Marko Lindqvist 10/29/2024 05:04 AM Actions
1027 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal gtk4x: wldlg meta list GListStore implementation to use Marko Lindqvist 10/27/2024 04:01 AM Actions
1020 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal gtk4x: pages.c FcPlrRow Marko Lindqvist 10/25/2024 11:47 PM Actions
1019 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal gtk4x: citydlg prod list GListStore implementation to use Marko Lindqvist 10/25/2024 11:19 PM Actions
1018 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal gtk4x: wldlg meta list as GListStore Marko Lindqvist 10/25/2024 02:50 AM Actions
1041 Freeciv Tasks In Review Normal S3_2 to beta mode Marko Lindqvist 11/12/2024 09:33 PM Actions
554 Freeciv Feature In Progress Normal Detect infinite recursion when evaluating requirements Alina Lenk 08/25/2024 01:31 AM Actions
570 Freeciv Tasks In Progress Normal NEWS-3.2.0 Marko Lindqvist 11/11/2024 01:04 AM Actions
1082 Freeciv Bug New Normal player_has_really_useful_tech_parasite() not considering EFT_TECH_PARASITE_PCT_MAX 11/09/2024 04:49 AM Actions
1054 Freeciv Bug New Normal Support Freeciv21's select_step_ms 11/02/2024 09:17 PM Actions
999 Freeciv Bug New Normal Client calls government_name_for_player() even when player government not known 10/21/2024 02:59 AM Actions
996 Freeciv Bug New Normal Illegal value -1 for tile relationship requirement. 10/20/2024 11:33 PM Actions
954 Freeciv Bug New Normal Not switching to menu-music when connection to server lost 10/11/2024 01:49 AM Actions
(51-75/119) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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