


Feature #541 ยป 0006-Remove-MAX_NUM_REQS.patch

main - Alina Lenk, 05/04/2024 01:54 PM

View differences:

sprintf(buf, "%d", imp->upkeep);
gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(help_ilabel[3]), buf);
/* FIXME: this should show ranges, negated reqs, and all the
* MAX_NUM_REQS reqs.
/* FIXME: this should show ranges, negated reqs, and all the reqs.
* Currently it's limited to 1 req but this code is partially prepared
* to be extended. Remember MAX_NUM_REQS is a compile-time
* definition. */
* to be extended. */
help_impr_req.u.req = NULL;
requirement_vector_iterate(&imp->reqs, preq) {
if (!preq->present) {
sprintf(buf, "%d", impr_base_build_shield_cost(imp));
gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(help_wlabel[1]), buf);
/* FIXME: this should show ranges, negated reqs, and all the
* MAX_NUM_REQS reqs.
/* FIXME: this should show ranges, negated reqs, and all the reqs.
* Currently it's limited to 1 req but this code is partially prepared
* to be extended. Remember MAX_NUM_REQS is a compile-time
* definition. */
* to be extended. */
i = 0;
help_wndr_req.u.req = NULL;
requirement_vector_iterate(&imp->reqs, preq) {
sprintf(buf, "%d", imp->upkeep);
gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(help_ilabel[3]), buf);
/* FIXME: this should show ranges, negated reqs, and all the
* MAX_NUM_REQS reqs.
/* FIXME: this should show ranges, negated reqs, and all the reqs.
* Currently it's limited to 1 req but this code is partially prepared
* to be extended. Remember MAX_NUM_REQS is a compile-time
* definition. */
* to be extended. */
help_impr_req.u.req = NULL;
requirement_vector_iterate(&imp->reqs, preq) {
if (!preq->present) {
sprintf(buf, "%d", impr_base_build_shield_cost(imp));
gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(help_wlabel[1]), buf);
/* FIXME: this should show ranges, negated reqs, and all the
* MAX_NUM_REQS reqs.
/* FIXME: this should show ranges, negated reqs, and all the reqs.
* Currently it's limited to 1 req but this code is partially prepared
* to be extended. Remember MAX_NUM_REQS is a compile-time
* definition. */
* to be extended. */
i = 0;
help_wndr_req.u.req = NULL;
requirement_vector_iterate(&imp->reqs, preq) {
sprintf(buf, "%d", imp->upkeep);
gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(help_ilabel[3]), buf);
/* FIXME: this should show ranges, negated reqs, and all the
* MAX_NUM_REQS reqs.
/* FIXME: this should show ranges, negated reqs, and all the reqs.
* Currently it's limited to 1 req but this code is partially prepared
* to be extended. Remember MAX_NUM_REQS is a compile-time
* definition. */
* to be extended. */
help_impr_req.u.req = NULL;
requirement_vector_iterate(&imp->reqs, preq) {
if (!preq->present) {
sprintf(buf, "%d", impr_base_build_shield_cost(imp));
gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(help_wlabel[1]), buf);
/* FIXME: this should show ranges, negated reqs, and all the
* MAX_NUM_REQS reqs.
/* FIXME: this should show ranges, negated reqs, and all the reqs.
* Currently it's limited to 1 req but this code is partially prepared
* to be extended. Remember MAX_NUM_REQS is a compile-time
* definition. */
* to be extended. */
i = 0;
help_wndr_req.u.req = NULL;
requirement_vector_iterate(&imp->reqs, preq) {
widget_add_as_prev(requirement_label, dock);
dock = requirement_label;
/* FIXME: this should show ranges, negated reqs, and all the
* MAX_NUM_REQS reqs.
* Currently it's limited to 1 req. Remember MAX_NUM_REQS is a compile-time
* definition. */
/* FIXME: this should show ranges, negated reqs, and all the reqs.
* Currently it's limited to 1 req. */
requirement_vector_iterate(&pimpr_type->reqs, preq) {
if (!preq->present) {
imp_count = 0;
improvement_iterate(pimprove) {
if (valid_improvement(pimprove)) {
/* FIXME: this should show ranges and all the MAX_NUM_REQS reqs.
* Currently it's limited to 1 req. Remember MAX_NUM_REQS is a compile-time
* definition. */
/* FIXME: this should show ranges and all the reqs.
* Currently it's limited to 1 req. */
requirement_vector_iterate(&(pimprove->reqs), preq) {
if (VUT_ADVANCE == preq->source.kind
&& advance_number(preq->source.value.advance) == tech) {
widget_add_as_prev(requirement_label, dock);
dock = requirement_label;
/* FIXME: this should show ranges, negated reqs, and all the
* MAX_NUM_REQS reqs.
* Currently it's limited to 1 req. Remember MAX_NUM_REQS is a compile-time
* definition. */
/* FIXME: this should show ranges, negated reqs, and all the reqs.
* Currently it's limited to 1 req. */
requirement_vector_iterate(&pimpr_type->reqs, preq) {
if (!preq->present) {
imp_count = 0;
improvement_iterate(pimprove) {
if (valid_improvement(pimprove)) {
/* FIXME: this should show ranges and all the MAX_NUM_REQS reqs.
* Currently it's limited to 1 req. Remember MAX_NUM_REQS is a compile-time
* definition. */
/* FIXME: this should show ranges and all the reqs.
* Currently it's limited to 1 req. */
requirement_vector_iterate(&(pimprove->reqs), preq) {
if (VUT_ADVANCE == preq->source.kind
&& advance_number(preq->source.value.advance) == tech) {
struct action;
/* Changing these will break network compatibility.
* If changing MAX_NUM_REQS, also update user documentation in README.effects. */
/* Changing these will break network compatibility. */
#define SP_MAX 20
#define MAX_NUM_REQS 40
#define MAX_NUM_RULESETS 63 /* Used in the network protocol. */
#define MAX_RULESET_NAME_LENGTH 64 /* Used in the network protocol. */
you want to describe the requirement in your own words. The 'quiet'
field has no effect on the game rules.
Single requirement vector can have up to 40 requirements.
A requirement vector may have any number of requirements (in theory;
in practice whatever it's part of won't fit in a network packet anymore
beyond a few hundred requirements).
Requirement types and supported ranges
requirement_vector_append(&reqs_list, req);
if (j > MAX_NUM_REQS) {
ruleset_error(NULL, LOG_ERROR,
"Too many (%d) requirements for %s. Max is %d",
j, rfor, MAX_NUM_REQS);
return NULL;
return &reqs_list;