


Feature #688 »

main - Alina Lenk, 05/30/2024 03:44 PM

View differences:

- name-updater
(cannot be used with bitwise)
- style <option...>
Check that certain stylistic restrictions are being followed. This does
not fix the definition to fit a given restriction; it causes the script
to fail with an error if the restriction is violated.
- style identifiers sorted
Check that the values are in alphabetical order of their identifier.
################### General helper functions and classes ###################
if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
from itertools import pairwise
# implementation taken from the itertools documentation
def pairwise(iterable):
# pairwise('ABCDEFG') → AB BC CD DE EF FG
iterator = iter(iterable)
a = next(iterator, None)
for b in iterator:
yield a, b
a = b
def files_equal(path_a: "str | Path", path_b: "str | Path") -> bool:
"""Return whether the contents of two text files are identical"""
with Path(path_a).open() as file_a, Path(path_b).open() as file_b:
generic_amount: int = 0
generic_prefix: str = ""
style_identifiers_sorted: bool = False
lines_iter = iter(lines)
for option_text in takewhile(
if arg is None:
raise ValueError(f"option {option!r} for enum {} requires an argument")
self.bitvector = arg
elif option == "style":
if arg is None:
raise ValueError(f"option {option!r} for enum {} requires an argument")
if arg != "identifiers sorted":
raise ValueError(f"invalid style option {arg!r} for enum {}")
if style_identifiers_sorted:
raise ValueError(f"duplicate style option {arg!r} for enum {}")
style_identifiers_sorted = True
raise ValueError(f"unrecognized option {option!r} for enum {}")
for i in range(1, generic_amount + 1)
# check style
if style_identifiers_sorted:
for a, b in pairwise(self.proper_values):
if a.identifier > b.identifier:
raise ValueError(f"enum {} identifiers not in order: {b.identifier} must not be after {a.identifier}")
def values(self) -> "typing.Iterator[EnumValue]":
"""All values of this enum, including generic ones"""