


Feature #689 ยป 0002-terrain_enums.def-sort-enum-values-alphabetically-by.patch

main - Alina Lenk, 05/30/2024 04:19 PM

View differences:

enum terrain_class
prefix TC_
style identifiers sorted
/* TRANS: terrain class: used adjectivally */
LAND N_("Land")
enum terrain_alteration
prefix TA_
style identifiers sorted
/* Can build irrigation without changing terrain */
/* Can build military base */
/* TRANS: this and following strings may rarely be presented to the player
* in ruleset help text, to denote the set of terrains which can be altered
* in a particular way */
CAN_BASE N_("CanBase")
/* Can build irrigation without changing terrain */
CAN_IRRIGATE N_("CanIrrigate")
/* Can build mine without changing terrain */
CAN_MINE N_("CanMine")
/* Can build roads and/or railroads */
CAN_ROAD N_("CanRoad")
/* Can build military base */
CAN_BASE N_("CanBase")
/* Can place extras with infrapoints */
CAN_PLACE N_("CanPlace")
/* Can build roads and/or railroads */
CAN_ROAD N_("CanRoad")
/* Used in the network protocol. */
prefix TER_
bitvector bv_terrain_flags
style identifiers sorted
/* No barbarians summoned on this terrain. */
/* Terrains with this type can have road with "River" flag on them. */
/* TRANS: this and following strings are 'terrain flags', which may rarely
* be presented to the player in ruleset help text */
NO_BARBS N_("NoBarbs")
/* No cities on this terrain. */
NO_CITIES N_("NoCities")
/* Players will start on this terrain type. */
STARTER N_("Starter")
/* Terrains with this type can have road with "River" flag on them. */
CAN_HAVE_RIVER N_("CanHaveRiver")
/* this tile is not safe as coast, (all ocean / ice) */
UNSAFE_COAST N_("UnsafeCoast")
/* Borders on this terrain are not blocking unit movement */
ENTER_BORDERS N_("EnterBorders")
/* Fresh water terrain */
FRESHWATER N_("FreshWater")
/* Ice-covered terrain (affects minimap) */
FROZEN N_("Frozen")
/* Map generator does not place this terrain */
NOT_GENERATED N_("NotGenerated")
/* No barbarians summoned on this terrain. */
NO_BARBS N_("NoBarbs")
/* No cities on this terrain. */
NO_CITIES N_("NoCities")
/* Units on this terrain are not generating or subject to zoc */
NO_ZOC N_("NoZoc")
/* Borders on this terrain are not blocking unit movement */
ENTER_BORDERS N_("EnterBorders")
/* Ice-covered terrain (affects minimap) */
FROZEN N_("Frozen")
/* Players will start on this terrain type. */
STARTER N_("Starter")
/* this tile is not safe as coast, (all ocean / ice) */
UNSAFE_COAST N_("UnsafeCoast")
enum mapgen_terrain_property
prefix MG_
style identifiers sorted
MOUNTAINOUS "mountainous"
GREEN "green"
FOLIAGE "foliage"
TROPICAL "tropical"
TEMPERATE "temperate"
COLD "cold"
FROZEN "frozen"
WET "wet"
DRY "dry"
FOLIAGE "foliage"
FROZEN "frozen"
GREEN "green"
MOUNTAINOUS "mountainous"
OCEAN_DEPTH "ocean_depth"
TEMPERATE "temperate"
TROPICAL "tropical"
WET "wet"