


Feature #697 ยป

main - Alina Lenk, 06/02/2024 12:27 PM

View differences:

* which can span multiple lines. */
Each definition file consists of zero or more enum definitions, which take
the following form, where <angle brackets> are placeholders:
the following form, where <angle brackets> are placeholders and parts in
[square brackets] are optional:
<enum options>
[<enum option>]
[<enum option>]
# ...
<SPECENUM_VALUE0> [<SPECENUM_VALUE0NAME>] [; <flag> [, <flag> /* ... */]]
<SPECENUM_VALUE1> [<SPECENUM_VALUE1NAME>] [; <flag> [, <flag> /* ... */]]
# ...
The following <enum options> are supported:
The following <enum option>s are supported:
- prefix <prefix>
prepended to all VALUEs, including ZERO and COUNT.
Should include any desired final separator.
to fail with an error if the restriction is violated.
- style identifiers sorted
Check that the values are in alphabetical order of their identifier.
The following <flag>s are supported:
- style-ignore
Ignore this value for the purposes of any style options
LINE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"""
(\w+) # enum value identifier
(?: # name (optional)
( # name (optional) - only capture
\S+(?:\s+\S+)* # the part starting and ending with
) # non-whitespace
( # avoid capturing leading and trailing whitespace
(?: # either something outside a string
[^\s;\"] # (not whitespace, semicolon or a quote)
| # or a string
\" # opening quote
(?: # characters of the string:
[^\"\\] # either a regular character
| # or an escape sequence
\\. # (or the start of it)
\" # closing quote
)+ # match a whole block of these
(?: # then keep doing that, separated by
\s+ # any amount of whitespace
(?: # flags (optional)
\s*;\s* # separating semicolon
( # avoid capturing leading and trailing whitespace
""", re.VERBOSE)
- identifier
- (optional) name"""
- (optional) name
- (optional) flags"""
identifier: str
"""The identifier (SPECENUM_VALUEx) for this constant"""
name: "str | None"
"""The name (SPECENUM_VALUExNAME) for this constant"""
style_ignore: bool = False
"""Whether this value may violate style restrictions"""
def parse(cls, line: str) -> "EnumValue":
"""Parse a single line defining an enum value"""
mo = cls.LINE_PATTERN.fullmatch(line)
if mo is None:
raise ValueError(f"invalid enum value definition: {line!r}")
return cls(,
return cls(*mo.groups())
def __init__(self, identifier: str, name: "str | None"):
def __init__(self, identifier: str,
name: "str | None" = None,
flags: "str | None" = None):
self.identifier = identifier = name
if flags is not None:
for flag in filter(None, map(str.strip, flags.split(","))):
if flag != "style-ignore":
raise ValueError(f"unrecognized flag {flag!r} for enum value {identifier}")
if self.style_ignore:
raise ValueError(f"duplicate flag {flag!r} for enum value {identifier}")
self.style_ignore = True
def code_parts_custom(self, value: str, prefix: str = "") -> typing.Iterable[str]:
"""Yield code defining this enum value for either a regular value,
or special values like COUNT and ZERO."""
- the number of generic values to generate
- the identifier prefix"""
DEFAULT_ZERO = EnumValue("ZERO", None)
DEFAULT_ZERO = EnumValue("ZERO", flags = "style-ignore")
"""Default SPECENUM_ZERO info when the 'zero' option is used without
any identifier, but in conjunction with a 'prefix' option"""
DEFAULT_COUNT = EnumValue("COUNT", None)
DEFAULT_COUNT = EnumValue("COUNT", flags = "style-ignore")
"""Default SPECENUM_COUNT info when the 'count' option is used without
any identifier, but in conjunction with a 'prefix' option"""
EnumValue.parse(line) for line in lines
self.generic_values = [
EnumValue(generic_prefix + str(i), None)
EnumValue(generic_prefix + str(i), flags = "style-ignore")
for i in range(1, generic_amount + 1)
# check style
if style_identifiers_sorted:
for a, b in pairwise(self.proper_values):
for a, b in pairwise(self.style_values):
if a.identifier > b.identifier:
raise ValueError(f"enum {} identifiers not in order: {b.identifier} must not be after {a.identifier}")
yield from self.proper_values
yield from self.generic_values
def style_values(self) -> "typing.Iterator[EnumValue]":
"""The values of this enum that should be style-checked"""
return (value
for value in self.proper_values
if not value.style_ignore)
def code_parts(self) -> typing.Iterable[str]:
"""Yield code defining this enum"""
yield f"""\