Feature #642
closedclient: keep track of continent and ocean sizes
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
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Update (known) continent and ocean sizes whenever tile info changes.
Updated by Alina Lenk 10 months ago
- Blocked by Feature #641: Move additional continent info into common code added
Updated by Alina Lenk 10 months ago
- Blocks Feature #629: Continent/ocean size requirement added
Updated by Alina Lenk 10 months ago
- File 0002-Client-Keep-track-of-continent-and-ocean-sizes.patch 0002-Client-Keep-track-of-continent-and-ocean-sizes.patch added
- Status changed from New to In Review
Note: This patch does not include any code determining whether the current count is the actual full size of a given region, or whether the region is still bordering unknown tiles. We'll want something like that eventually, but we'll have to find a good spot to do it after we've received updated info for all tiles.
Updated by Alina Lenk 10 months ago
- File 0002-Client-Keep-track-of-continent-and-ocean-sizes.patch 0002-Client-Keep-track-of-continent-and-ocean-sizes.patch added
- Category changed from client-common to General
Alina Lenk wrote in #note-3:
we'll have to find a good spot to do it
Found a way to track it incrementally; updated the patch. This does add client-specific data to the civ_map struct that needs to be freed, so map_free() now also takes a server_side parameter (like map_init()).