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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1105 Freeciv Bug In Review Normal cma_get_parameter() assert failure when loading older parameter version from the savegame Marko Lindqvist 11/12/2024 12:13 AM Actions
1104 Freeciv Bug In Review Normal unit_server_side_agent_set(): Send unit info only if ssa_agent really changed Marko Lindqvist 11/11/2024 05:15 AM Actions
1102 Freeciv Bug In Review Normal civ2civ3 effects.ruleset refers to game.ruleset as the source of courthouse's incite city preventation Marko Lindqvist 11/11/2024 03:31 AM Actions
1098 Freeciv Bug In Review Normal Meson: called with static parameters not suitable for a stable release Marko Lindqvist 11/11/2024 03:25 PM Actions
1097 Freeciv Bug In Review Normal SDL3_rotozoom.h with "SDL2" multiple inclusion guard Marko Lindqvist 11/10/2024 01:39 AM Actions
1082 Freeciv Bug New Normal player_has_really_useful_tech_parasite() not considering EFT_TECH_PARASITE_PCT_MAX 11/09/2024 04:49 AM Actions
1076 Freeciv Bug In Review Normal Ruledit: Multiple requirement editors for goods can be opened Marko Lindqvist 11/09/2024 01:05 AM Actions
1068 Freeciv Bug In Review Normal ruleload.c typo "typpe" in a string Marko Lindqvist 11/08/2024 05:49 PM Actions
1067 Freeciv Bug In Review Normal Client does not set original information from full city packet Marko Lindqvist 11/08/2024 09:44 PM Actions
1066 Freeciv Bug In Review Normal short_city_info "original" sent as unsigned, despite -1 meaning "unknown" being possible value Marko Lindqvist 11/08/2024 05:38 PM Actions
1061 Freeciv Bug In Review Normal "irrevelant" Marko Lindqvist 11/04/2024 07:39 PM Actions
1056 Freeciv Bug In Review Normal "Tech %s does not exist, but is tech for %s." Marko Lindqvist 11/03/2024 10:33 PM Actions
1054 Freeciv Bug New Normal Support Freeciv21's select_step_ms 11/02/2024 09:17 PM Actions
1042 Freeciv Bug In Review Normal greenlander.ruleset: "Scaninavian" Marko Lindqvist 11/03/2024 11:21 AM Actions
1039 Freeciv Bug In Review Normal CollectRansom documentation outdated Marko Lindqvist 10/30/2024 04:03 AM Actions
1025 Freeciv Bug In Review Normal Autotools configure accepts --enable-client=sdl3 Marko Lindqvist 10/26/2024 08:55 AM Actions
1023 Freeciv Bug In Review Normal sandbox comment "movemement" Marko Lindqvist 10/26/2024 06:10 AM Actions
999 Freeciv Bug New Normal Client calls government_name_for_player() even when player government not known 10/21/2024 02:59 AM Actions
998 Freeciv Bug New Normal gtk4: Left panel unit icon not updated as focus advances 10/21/2024 02:52 AM Actions
996 Freeciv Bug New Normal Illegal value -1 for tile relationship requirement. 10/20/2024 11:33 PM Actions
954 Freeciv Bug New Normal Not switching to menu-music when connection to server lost 10/11/2024 01:49 AM Actions
939 Freeciv Bug In Review Normal S3_1 : in client_unit_init_act_prob_cache() [../../client/climisc.c::1246]: assertion failed Marko Lindqvist 11/11/2024 03:56 AM Actions
813 Freeciv Bug New Normal S3_2 multiple selection of cities in cities report regression 09/27/2024 08:19 AM Actions
752 Freeciv Bug New Normal Some enemy cities attackable, some not. 11/08/2024 03:39 AM Actions
694 Freeciv Bug New Normal Unsentrying transported unit loses its focus 11/11/2024 05:06 AM Actions
664 Freeciv Bug New Normal map_allocate uses world map size rather than the given map's size 10/03/2024 08:58 PM Actions
653 Freeciv Bug New Normal City production: Inconsistent handling of uncertain build requirements 05/20/2024 12:27 AM Actions
607 Freeciv Bug New Normal Gtk-warning: unescaped ampersand 05/13/2024 01:31 AM Actions
526 Freeciv Bug New Normal amphibious_extra_cost() not CoastStrict aware 10/03/2024 08:58 PM Actions
506 Freeciv Bug New Normal Ruleset selection available on scenario game pre-game screen 10/03/2024 08:58 PM Actions
442 Freeciv Bug New Normal Networking float/fixed-point naming issues 04/12/2024 01:29 AM Actions
344 Freeciv Bug New Normal can_unit_do_activity_targeted_at() hardcoding actions, breaking fake generalization 03/23/2024 02:58 AM Actions
267 Freeciv Bug New Normal Surgical Strike Building selection dialog speaks of "Sabotage" 02/17/2024 12:53 AM Actions
183 Freeciv Bug New Normal Double mentions of tech-enabled extras 01/15/2024 08:10 AM Actions
114 Freeciv Bug New Normal load_action_kind() does nothing with the information that kind is not ruleset settable 01/03/2024 10:50 PM Actions
87 Freeciv Bug New Normal AI player created midgame fails data phase assert 12/29/2023 12:36 AM Actions
73 Freeciv Bug New Normal Editor: city improvements copied but not pasted 10/03/2024 12:34 PM Actions
1101 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal gtk4x: pages.c scenario item factory bind() and create() Marko Lindqvist 11/10/2024 06:04 PM Actions
1100 Freeciv Feature New Normal Python requirement 3.7 11/10/2024 03:00 AM Actions
1099 Freeciv Feature New Normal Meson requirement 0.63.0 11/10/2024 02:58 AM Actions
1096 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal Animated extras of style "Single" Marko Lindqvist 11/09/2024 10:17 PM Actions
1095 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal Redraw full screen for animations Marko Lindqvist 11/09/2024 09:49 PM Actions
1094 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal Civil War action (enabler) Marko Lindqvist 11/09/2024 08:24 PM Actions
1093 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal Actions documentary comment Marko Lindqvist 11/09/2024 06:29 PM Actions
1092 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal ui_name in action section Marko Lindqvist 11/09/2024 04:35 PM Actions
1091 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal Support for (empty) action sections in actions.ruleset Marko Lindqvist 11/09/2024 04:10 PM Actions
1090 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal Fix savegame/ comment typos Marko Lindqvist 11/09/2024 02:32 PM Actions
1089 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal Pass civ_map to dai_wants_defender_against() Marko Lindqvist 11/09/2024 02:01 PM Actions
1088 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal Granularity: Architecture & Palace Marko Lindqvist 11/09/2024 08:26 AM Actions
1087 Freeciv Feature In Review Normal gtk4x: diplodlg.c FcClauseRow Marko Lindqvist 11/09/2024 07:32 AM Actions
(1-50/124) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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