

Corey Huinker

  • Login: coreyh
  • Registered on: 07/04/2024
  • Last connection: 11/08/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 2 2



03:39 AM Freeciv Bug #752: Some enemy cities attackable, some not.
Sorry for the delay, did not receive a notification that the issue had activity.
The issue seems to have been fixe...
Corey Huinker


04:51 AM Freeciv Bug #752 (Closed): Some enemy cities attackable, some not.
Similar to #751 in that the assertion failure is logged, and the action dialog returns.
An AI has declared war on ...
Corey Huinker
04:47 AM Freeciv Bug #751 (Closed): Diplomats/spies cannot bribe
When attempting to bribe a unit (or city for that matter), nothing will happen, and the original action dialog popup ... Corey Huinker

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