Feature #602
closedenum universals_n by generate_enums.py
Generate enum universals_n by generate_enums.py.
Updated by Marko Lindqvist 10 months ago
- File 0083-Generate-enum-universals_n-by-generate_enums.py.patch 0083-Generate-enum-universals_n-by-generate_enums.py.patch added
- Status changed from New to In Review
- Assignee set to Marko Lindqvist
Updated by Alina Lenk 10 months ago
I feel like this (already touching every line of the definition) would be a good opportunity to reorder the enum constants, rather than having them in whatever order they happen to have been made in. Could put them (excluding VUT_NONE) in alphabetical order of enum constant (or of name, if we want Tech to go with TechFlag), and then keep our fingers crossed we always remember to insert new ones in the right spot.
Updated by Marko Lindqvist 10 months ago
Alina Lenk wrote in #note-2:
would be a good opportunity to reorder the enum constants
True, but even if that is left to future tickets, this already makes the reordering a lot easier to do in those future tickets. I felt that this is step big enough to the right direction (I just wanted them in the .def format somehow, before adding new entries)
Updated by Marko Lindqvist 9 months ago
Ok to proceed with this as it is? Assuming so, if nobody objects (will still wait at least the normal review period of 36h)
Updated by Alina Lenk 9 months ago
No objection from my end; we'll do the reordering separately.